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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. i just phucked up the laminating machine.
  2. joe - the problem was i did think about and the visuals were a little too much!! ulesss my mind is on a gutter track .... which is highly likely paul - it was u that was suppose to be coming over here - 8 mins remember - ive been timing its been an hour - your a grandpa driver and im off to bed ..... no soup 4 u Night All :grouphug:
  3. joe your a sick mo-fo Sub - yes i think so - might just check with him first - i'll pester him to update the post!! Paul awww cant smack me u were going to massage remember
  4. Russ .... cars rego'd in my mums name, insured in her name .... with RAC ..... costs about $1K a year. Shes protected her no claim bonus whichshe has recently fudged thru a claim anyway (glad she was first to do that and not me) ..... im 30% driver .... i told a few littl wspeding fine white lies nothing too major - fessed up to a few of them which bumped the excess up a little .... but basically they know its my car .... lady when she rang me even commented it was a nice car for a 19yr old to have .... there is no reason it should be voided if i prang it.
  5. must have been coming back from south perth Joe. You know me - i drive in my own little world ..... shouldve revved the engine a couple of times n got my attn .... were u in Rexies car?
  6. Yes Dad :bahaha: Hey Micko
  7. hmmm was there a sunday not too long ago ..... dead as .... most shopping centre carparks would be dead .... as would the entertainment centre carpark on murray st in perth
  8. both paul .......
  9. his post is still there paul - u blind my dear
  10. nah sub - alex got dates wrong its next weekend now. going to ring brakeshop tommorrow see if i can work my charm n get my brakes done by friday
  11. yeah whatever angel ..... nothing has been set yet - even a day could be either sat or sun ..... but more than likely sunday - more than likely country but ending up in scarborough like last time - we are eager to kill a certain little honda again
  12. hmmm Friday after work instead of the usual pub after work ...... hmmm paulie is not feeling himself
  13. Angel - Liz n I are doing our own .... im sure she wouldnt mind if u wanted to come
  14. we're not sick Paul - we just have a healthy imagination
  15. i should be right - they just give me a measly little return tho!!
  16. wheres Ken i didnt say hello to him *kiss on cheek to ken*
  17. ooooh Mr Sheen haha the sexiest bald man on earth ...... whatever you do leave the toilet duck at home tho
  18. Paul come no i can do the your house to mine run in 6mins ...... lets see ya beat it i could do it less but unfortunately i get to 140km/hr and the steering wheel vibrates too much hehe I should get on and do my tax return so i get a few $$$
  19. *hugs Angel n Adrian* ...... Shaft theres Algae in it .... it needs special treatment Paul - what you going to do: go go gadget arms it was really sore - i was limping thru gym trying not to look injured but i was in pain ..... damn squats with weights!!
  20. nah i go to gym in morley Adrian ..... saw a couple of lines tonight .... but i was in a Lancer with two girls who were singing the Cameltoe song - quite funny
  21. i pulled a butt muscle and it needs a massage ..... it hurtie badly
  22. does anyones parents own large workshop premises ..... my parents carpark aint the best for it ...... im sure we can figure something out - even city west carpark would be realitively empty on a sunday
  23. return of the night whoress back from a hard slog at the gym - we outlasted the boys tonight ...... hmmm keyboard lot stiffer to work one!!
  24. haha why - what is it?? eh?
  25. cant see them anyway .... avatars off while im "working"
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