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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. not bad thanks Ross day has gone so fast!! cant believe its 4pm!
  2. huh which dirty hoe?
  3. haha yeah thought T3 would suck - ive heard two people say it sucked and one person say it was really good. Hey Ross Paul .... geez 2 females in the car - then you boys will be in trubble
  4. why doesnt his missus go too - they can "sample" the Barossa valley between events
  5. oh well he disappeared for a while and i told him he should have enough brownie points accumlated to buy himself a mistress - or a trip to Adelaide
  6. okay paul
  7. i loved seaseme st!! im afraid now thats out in the open ..... hope its around for my kids .... oscar and elmo rocked!! oh and the count .... bert n ernie were gay tho. drag me? hehe my bags are packed - just gotta find a gameboy!! I lurrrrve Drift!!! theres a genre of motorsport your going to have to drag me away from at the end of the day!!
  8. haha get some goddamn stickers while your at it paul!! yeah he's looking after me Erin. trucks were cool - cars were a little boring tho - except the losers that were drifting Hope andrew is looking after you!! better be - im 6'1 - he wouldnt wanna mess with me
  9. ages ago in whoretown ..... need an archelogical dig to find it .... Keep up the good work paul
  10. sounds great Erin!!!!
  11. yay Erin!!!! been watching Springer??? how much did it cost .... what size??
  12. nah shes just really upset - you seen Wasteland lately ..... some of its in there .... i dont know Cam you may wanna talk to her .... not much ive said has persuaded her
  13. dan the hyundai and the skylines ..... haha one hyundai cruising with a few skylines .....
  14. yeah i know your sorry Alex hmmm makes me really the only last skyline driving regular member of sauwa ..... i told her to comeback and help me keep u boys in line
  15. i jsut get little kids come up and go - look mum its a skyline .... running their grubby little vegemite stained fingers over the back badge .... look its a skyline .... and mums just standing their going so?? ..... but its quite impressive little 5 yr olds knowing quality when they see it :P im sure it was just someone appreciating your car ..... someone has video footage of mine ..... just decided to start rolling their video camera when mine was at the lights one day.
  16. haha ..... geez u boys are really finding it hard to keep it in your pants this week arent you!! is there some hornee full moon out or something?
  17. well if i knew what you could do i would tell ya but i dont know either ...... whats done is done i guess. Her and i are probably going for a run this weekend ..... taking Mel as well .... haha Hyundai girl ..... *one of these things does not belong, one of these things is not lie the others* .....
  18. hmmm got sudden burst of energy ..... need to do something ..... run around the office a few times or something!!
  19. didnt read it Alex .... and im not innocent so edit it again so i can see! Yeah Liz is very pissed ....... she's gone to join PPCC.
  20. Niz decides to turn up in overalls and ban herself from beer the whole arvo. Sorry Angel for these guys taking over your thread but you have a great idea and im willing to come along n be a part of it ...... no dancing!!
  21. haha aidwin .... well dont think ive ever seen that side of you .... thought you were always > :innocent: .... paul has obviously been a boad influence awww backseat .... well im not sacrficing all my space for beer again peoples .... so its either me in front seat and u take beer or me in backseat and no beer *jk* im serious - DOES ANYONE HAVE A GAMEBOY!!
  22. Alex without shoes on your actually a bit taller than me cos with heels on i "just" come up almost to your height...... and dun call me lanky i hate it - used to get called that in school - and u dont want two angry females not talking to u now do u ......
  23. hehe probably was going to grow up to be a drug addict and kill himself anyway .... i sure can purr Aidwin ..... but i also have claws!!
  24. Who u calling Lanky - your taller than me!!
  25. **meoooow**
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