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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. it would be cool - but no way would he give it up ..... he's done nothing but play with his new toy for a week straight now!! its like u whoring .... he just wont get off the bloody computer/phone thingy!! u can drug me no complaints here haha
  2. actually seriously thats what i could do (not the dance routine ) but since i have no mechanical skills ( well the little i do have cant be trusted anyway) .... i could always grab a sponge n wash cars
  3. hehe .... ok .... i'll give u n Cam a dance rountine in exchange for the ZX's oil change and a wash hahaha and the back speakers fitted to the R33 ..... brakes i have to take into a specialist anyway.
  4. pity my dad wont let me take his phone - its got internet access .... i could whore from the car
  5. yeah Paul u know me i have to be occupied ..... unoccupied female leads to whinging "Are we there yet"
  6. ok hmmm anyone got a gameboy i can borrow??
  7. nah i prefer black cos im a grub n get stuff allover my white!!
  8. paulie me n ken - JMS Drift series .... Adelaide - september
  9. a bottle of Meguires clear plastic polish (little blue bottle bought mine in K-Mart) Polish the outside with that ..... if still murky look at getting it done proffessionally ..... unfortunately while this stuff brings it up clears as ..... it quickly becomes murky again within 1-2 weeks..... but its something that only takes a minute to do so i polish my headlights every second weekend.
  10. nah no pole in my routine fellas its just all alcoholic booty shakin besides i saving my best moves for PAS .... anyway how come you guys manage to turn every thread around to remind about my stage dancing eh??? even a mechanical thread somehow gets turned around ........ does a topic mean nothing??? ::bahaha:
  11. yeah Paul how exactly we getting there ..... back of maverick or by plane?
  12. i'll be temping so i dont really need to organise time off ..... how long for.
  13. bye .... shit almost 12 .... this day has gone sooo fast!!
  14. hmmm hope we dont bump into any south aussie footballers while over there hahaha Maybe something ot look forward too is what i need Paul ....
  15. Dooooorifttto ..... im in
  16. Weekend was great Paul - just i dont know im really up n down in my moods at the moment ..... one minute im great next moment im really depressed ...... at the moment im having a "Bel Day" U want me to go to Adelaide with u guys ??? ..... hehe im flattered ive been asked ..... should have the money by sept!
  17. im gonig tongiht ..... ate too much shit on the weekend ..... really need to drop some weight.
  18. hmmm well they got into uni so must be thick but willing to work?
  19. making contact cards is so exciting i think im going to wet myself
  20. cos theres nothing to do - im just bored with work n life. hey aidwin
  21. bye macka
  22. its cos they are bored ..... n so am i
  23. nothing wrong with QLD
  24. home away frm home huh?
  25. page ownage :headspin:
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