haha its like a wobble board thing .....r eminds me of rolf harris tying his kangaroo down theres one for steering too - medicine ball and you throw tennis balls at them and they have to deflect it with the medcine ball
hey i watched this national geographic program on race car drivers las tnight ....... they got special exercises - one for steering wheel vibration ..... i think i should start doing it! The way my steering wheel vibrates it could come in handy
is that the Bluey cruise or just normal cruise of coarse i'll come either way - but boozin n driving doesnt go well. well it goes a little too well but not for my license!!
yeah not many from SAU - lot of personal friends of Brett - me, paul, aidwin n russ were the SAU members there
All my friends are broke or dont want to see my stage dancing again haha
no bra tops Alex - just around South Perth River Foreshore area Cam really nice around there ..... i enjoy it - i dont enjoy many fitness activities so i stick to the ones i do
yeah but to do that it would mean my temp agency wouldnt give me anymore work
yeah i know about losing the spark ......
Weekend was fairly good Ross ..... went rollerblading hehe