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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. why is it so hard for people just to be honest with us and tell us ..... i mean even work least if they tell me when my finishing date is officially then i have something to work towards
  2. sweet the calipers are all painted
  3. Thats whats wrong with me never knowing where i stand is making me grumpy ...... im losing my spark again *hugs* Cam Hey Ross How was your weekend
  4. sorry for the grizzle so hows the car?
  5. nah still at work ..... im just getting tired of the whole situation of my life .... work, home, relationships that are kinda non existant anyway.......... just want some order and stability instead of this constant messing around im getting from all sides!!
  6. hey Cam how are u?
  7. Geez u woke up pretty fast last night
  8. well i'll bring the ZX ..... AND A LOT OF BEER haha ...... Beer Wench is my skill
  9. well im off home ..... take care Erin *hugs* See ya Ross have a good weekend!!
  10. ewwww but its good its out Erin!!:grouphug: Get any flowers??
  11. i was thinking of skipping the gym tonight ..... but now i think i'll go
  12. yeah my kazaa phucked up have to redownload ...... cos normally i just download heaps of songs.
  13. it just means i dont get to see the hottie at the video store as much ....... haha
  14. only austar? spewin!! i dont mind foxtel as long as i dont have to pay for it
  15. still wont come up - its cool will look at it when i get home.
  16. Get Foxtel ...... its on about 5 times a day!! I love it too ..... my parents cant understand why i can watch the same episode 20 times and still laugh.
  17. ah no wonder i cant see it im on no avatars etc - the simple version for work - so stuff liek that doesnt come up
  18. that only goes to his user discription?
  19. ahhh yeah thats funny eh? i got some friends i knew would appreciate that one!! is that the one with the plastic see thru skirts etc?
  20. cant remember what i said Ross!
  21. was the operation a success tho?
  22. poor Erin...... i did see a current affair program where doctors were putting loads of staples in peoples stomachs like this guy had 50+
  23. would lend it to you if i could Erin
  24. ERRRRINNN!!! how u feeling - i was thinking about u yesterday!! Ross thats the spirit im looking forward to a couple of days at home soon too
  25. 1.5 hours im counting - still got a couple of cold beers in the fridge
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