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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. not bad i was thinking more 8K ...... but with a big shiny intercooler take the pice to about 6K eh? mmmmm :drooling: me thinks i may work towards that - it'll be a pretty special machine once ive finished with it .... cos in reality i dont want any other car apart from a GTR but they cost to much to maintain .... so i might as well throw money away into this one for now
  2. hypothetically ....... if u wanted to respray your car in a metallic paint (nothing hoity toity like chamelon tho) .... full respray .... how much would this certain person be looking at
  3. Alex i've been there but forgot what street it is on in Mt Lawley - will look it up for you Found out what day this chick is coming back thru sneaky means of bosses email as previously mentioned ..... 5th August. Which means thats probably D-day for me ..... geez nice of everyone to let me know!!
  4. going to lunch anyway
  5. cool
  6. i didnt end up doing yoga last night cos it didnt give me enough time to do my cardio and weights properly and they are more important pushed myself a little harder cos its stopped hurting but im not sore so maybe i am being a wimp ....
  7. yeah havent seen aidwin in a while - is he comming sunday?
  8. nah x-trainer sucks rather the runner .... so unco on the xtrainer haha.
  9. nah they are going to lunch at an indian place at work this week - im not going neither is Sue cos its yukky stuff ..... although have u ever been to that indian resturaunt in Mt Lawley it used to be an old church ..... thats quite nice - they do normal food there too! have a huge menu!!
  10. yeah aidwin doesnt take up much space i can fit him in the boot yeah cool im an invitee anyway
  11. yuk indian food - my most loathed of all foods! im feeling better by the weekend i should almost be human again
  12. hehe *evil grin* joe luvs it when i drive
  13. alirghty then
  14. huh? thought u were doing Vet Studies?
  15. God Bless immaturity one day im going to have to grow up and take responsibility :)
  16. haha we just love what we do around here Dan
  17. i have Joe ..... but still theres not much in the way of permanent work available anyway ...... besides i want summer off again im too young for a fulltime job!! haha
  18. i dont know yet Dan .... hopefully a couple of paypackets away - should have enough to take my time finding work then im just going to temp - hate permanent work too much bullshit. hehe Champers on the job joe is the best
  19. sooo pissed off ..... i ordered all this stationary with Corporate Express ... and it still hasnt come so i rang them up and asked where it was and they are "well we have no record of it being ordered" im so pissed off i have to go through and find it all and order it all again. Ive had enough!!
  20. hi all :wavey:
  21. fine
  22. oi u lot
  23. oi i didnt say it - besides i was looking at a WRX before i bought my line. But i do agree that a 4wd cant be compared to a 2wd ..... a R33 and a WRX ..... well an R33 is sometimes at least 5 years older .... so its like comparing apples to oranges .... they are both fruit but you just cant compare them to each other!!
  24. Funnily enough Steve my mechanic has said to me that the two biggest sets of wanker drivers in the world are firstly Porsche drivers and secondly WRX drivers. < Dan dont kill me they are his words and dont reflect how i feel. But its just funny how a lot of mechanics seem to think this (not meaning to turn it into a mud slinging match either) .......
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