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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. I painted my calipers red Aidwin
  2. ahhhh thought u were sucking up with that mag comment paul - never said anything nice about my car before i wondered why you started now. Yeah Ross it does sorry.
  3. yeah my mags appear on a lot of Lancers and Celicas over here ..... usualy in 16 inch form but it still shits me haha
  4. Adrenlines .... yeah heavy mag but i like them Cool Ross little bored at mo. Cam know how ya feel bud :grouphug: hope you get it sorted!
  5. Ross - read back in QLD - that was me driving silly - like i just let anyone drive my car haha
  6. you like your job a couple of weeks ago Cam ... whats changed?
  7. im not that bad
  8. its just me haha we did have a thread about peoples dream cars and a lot chose the European variety. Maybe i'll change as i get older but for now its just to "wanky" for my liking.
  9. yeah well it doesnt have an impact on my life when i dont have to stay in one spot for too long ..... thats why i went to temping just too much stress n bullshit with permanent jobs - this aint permanent but ive been here since early Feb and theres only recently been too much stress n bullshit developing.
  10. never really been into European cars just have to much of the old bald rich playboy guy stigma attached to them - thats all i can see when i see one. I would like a Black R34 GTR Turbo IS200 hehe Black 350Z with all the fruit. In fact im kinda boring really haha.
  11. trust me work is making me a dull and very depressed girl at the moment
  12. yeah well too much work not enough play makes Lauren a dull girl.
  13. daves lurking
  14. i dont know about everyone else - but dreaming was kinda fun ..... seeing them drooling etc ..... now u got one its like just a car.
  15. yeah its better to do it in summer or i'll get another long term temp job save up then take most of summer off just work part time thru it like i did this summer ..... that was the best!!
  16. thinking of working part time again for a month Paul
  17. ahhh your Alexs housemate? heard about u never met u .... nice to meet you (kinda) anyways .... blacks an awesome colour - both my cars are black
  18. welcome to Wello then - i just thought some people knew him thats all Oh well Paulie - im not here for much longer .... wouldve been good if i still worked in East Vic Park
  19. whos Wello? Hi Paul.
  20. sorry boss has been about
  21. get my email Ross?
  22. yeah im thinking ive bringing in little cans of tuna etc for lunch Very Healthy had packet soup tho - very yukky!
  23. nah crap lunch Ross bit tired at the moment still playing with this powerpoint presentation
  24. might have to trudge back to QLD
  25. LOL @ Rev210 .... it better be a summer day guys because the chicks dont wear much .... now to just find some demin cutoff shorts and carry some speedcones around to place down on the road so u guys can race
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