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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. why "there there" did i do something blonde again? Nah not going on midnight cruise
  2. nah here
  3. "The Chad" anyone who watched first Charlies Angels would understand
  4. hehe remind me of the snake Ka off jungle book Alex funny ...... west perth home of porsches, bmw's, and the odd ferrari - two oldish guys jogging past my car ... i hear one say .... blah blah blah nice car blah .... and the other one goes .... its a Skyline Turbo blah blah blah ...... When hear Nice Car i was like ...... where? ..... but they were talking about mine
  5. bye im off to lunch anyway
  6. Acid Performance i dunno why ....just came to me ..... could alway call it Lolly Shop haha
  7. u queenslanders dont do much clubbing do ya? in fact the clubs in surfers were pretty poor - well the melbourne boys thought they were wick ..... which make sme wonder what kinda clubs they are in melbourne!!
  8. im number one girl got over 10,000 now
  9. true - but still i dont really want to drag them both down to a dyno day .... just me and whoever is driving the line .... i'll drive the ZX down ..... be very interesting ..... ZX been on dyno before but i dont know result it was to sort fuel problems .... it was running way too rich .... and at that stage i was pretty dumb about the car
  10. haha couch that important eh? hows other things?
  11. hehe nice one i wanna get both my cars on the dyno ...... at same time .... with noone there to laugh at me .... particularly interested in the ZX for some reason. See ya mark nearly lunch time ......
  12. hehe thanks Bel ..... i always check too - but it was a wagon so i really didnt think much of it at the time .... plus i was thinking straight cos i had a huge fight with my ex and was on my way home to mummy at the time haha ..... so i was taking my aggression out on the car and anyone who got in my way!! hmmmm i need more money ..... would love a FMIC .... not only do they add more power - they look hella sexy!
  13. good exhaust is what i really need
  14. luckiest ive ever been was tailgating unmarked cop car ...... then i overtook them at speed and just porceeded to be an idiot in front of them for about 15mins til they finally pulled me over ..... it was a blue commie wagon .... they were going to do me for 6 points ( i only had three left) but decided to let me go with a warning
  15. wheres paulie?
  16. yeah well im being a BAD girl lately ..... i already passed a copper doing 110 in a 70 last weekend ....... i was very lucky he was on the other side of the road and difficult to turn round ..... my poor license i cant help myself
  17. yeah i have lost it quite a few times in the ZX .... im more careful in the Skyline ..... cos i bent something in the ZX .... castor rods or something like that from losing it into a ditch ..... and it doesnt handle as well because of it. haha Liz sounds like when i just had my R33 and talking to Gavin at work and he goes lift the bonnet cos i could do some cheapo things to make it faster for ya ..... then he discovered the bleed valve ..... didnt even know i had one when i bought it
  18. dont worry Bel got same problem .... well one new nice car but a little on slow side and one old quick car thats outta action.
  19. yeah true - but i dont know anyone that can be happy to see people 24/7 ...... hehe it was actually me that used to go angry at the salesreps .... they were constantly feeling my wrath ...... they are such idiots sometimes! they try to bend the rules for a sale and therefore made my life very difficult!
  20. haha they are so expensive for a piece of rubber ..... mine werent tightened enough and they squeeled for ages - u could here my car starting from a block away!! hehe i did a bit of a drift round a corner today .... well the back end was sliding out slightly ..... think the guy in the car beside me was a bit shocked - specially when my front end starts to face his side door haha ..... that was fun
  21. Bel my ex was salesrep and we worked together .... so half ur theory is proven .... but still i can understand the bullshit they go thru after all the tyrekicking dreamers i had look at my ZX .... after a while u get sooo sick of it. Besides they arent there to be nice - they are there to make money like the rest of us. Oi Liz wanna go drifting in Marks drift pig ...... invitations there gurl haha
  22. hmm cant say ive felt unwelcome in shops ..... me n scott used to go shopping in subi quite often .... just in jeans and a tee - although he wears all the Live funkee stuff .....
  23. haha Mark ive been in the car when Ken was drifting in the Ricer ..... best fun ive ever had ...... the MC track was black by the time finished. :D Bel for some reason they wont let autos cos apparently the clutch is a integeral part discrimination i tell ya Geeez it costs more for all letters over there .... ripped off!
  24. haha fair enough Liz ..... Bye Shaft yeah but sales people get a fair amount of "tyrekickers" ..... u must admit after a lot of bullshit dreamers u would get pretty pissed off n choosy by the end of the day too.
  25. whats on ya plates Bel? take 6 weeks over here .... i was soooo counting down to mine! i had them remade when i got the R33 so now they are polycarbonate slimline ..... look ace!
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