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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha not a worry ..... talk to Nismo_girl in the Qld section - she organisers a lot of cruises over there and is a friend of mine ..... she'll be able to help u out. Have fun
  2. lucky u
  3. Nizmo


    i think i saw the lancer ur referring to the other day .... or i saw one just like it anyway. It is personal taste ..... but still we all give little digs to each other about our cars being "ricey" ...... usually the term is just meant in a light teasing way ...... there are some people that take it too far and devote whole websites to it ..... they really need a life!!
  4. one moment i have no new emails the next i have 6
  5. haha yeah thats for sure ..... im motorvated to get outta here at the moment. Even my temp agency comes in and goes - what a god damn depressing place this is at the moment. i have a craving for something smoked .... mmmm bi Joe heehe
  6. 7 letters in Perth .... actually i think from memory allowed 9 on polycarbonate.
  7. hehe Alex - im enjoying my last few days of whoring during work - it'll be no more soon
  8. hows things with ...... or cant talk?
  9. oi Rev u gimp i see u lurking come talk to me
  10. yeah i do so what u getting for bday then if its not a plane ticket?
  11. bye ..... :wavey: Maybe we should go work for the defences forces Erin - theres job security there in fact the only way to get out is if u die haha.
  12. no taxi fees help well is there anyway u can make it happen Erin ..... u dont have to pay for accomodation - flights are cheap
  13. haha Erin that would be nice 2 see u thats for sure .... might give u some time to think without andrew etc. Thats scary when they advertise ur job ..... beginning to hate govt .... unfair bunch of poofters haha Richard it was actually $50 per night haha .... went out twice Bargain
  14. my outings this weekend only cost mer $100 thats both Friday night n Saturday night considering how pissed i got Saturday night that was cheap
  15. yeah thats true! Im applying for a couple at central TAFE - its a bit to do with what i do here so that maybe able to give me a foot in the door..... i hope. Salary range is between 34K - 39K. Anyway one thing i dont want to do either is take a pay cut haha ..... got sooo many bills So can u stay where u are then? thought u couldnt?
  16. haha well someone said we could get done for copyright for them thats all but thanks for that Alex - remember i am blonde hun
  17. haha :headspin:
  18. haha - nah but there will be a few shops that may be distributors for them that would not be happy ..... if u get my drift. but your right - its going to be a rare occasion .... but its something to still think about. keep numbers to a minium to prevent upsetting businesses.
  19. ok richard haha - just dun want anyone getting into any trouble passed up for what? the one your in now? which one was it? can i have it *jk*? haha
  20. Brett, yep (His HSV, Her HSV) theyve had the plates for a while now .... it was on my mum silver VT clubby and my dads red VT clubby ....... now they have VX's ..... my mums is Black ..... my dads is gold and he is looking at updating to a GTS in November. As u can imagine i live in a Holden shrine haha. Oh well they love their cars. I saw your car coming back from the plex that time - i was having rough idling problems and so i didnt even bother to attempt to show off haha ....... but i lurve your car
  21. thing is - people see it on their cars and want to know where they got it from ......
  22. haha healthy ..... mum better of done the shopping or it'll be cheese on toast for me yeah well im busier now but in denial about it hahaha - jus tletting the papers collect on my desk
  23. see uve probably made that mistake before eh? haha
  24. yeah pity that cos the more people with them on the more we can be done for copy right etc. oh well the risks u take i guess *shrugs* should make them more available in oz!
  25. glassin? is that anything like a flaming? haha well im a chick anything u do and can say will be held against u haha
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