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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. well get me a price if u do - and i'll pay u for my set
  2. hows the drift monkey - on ur car?
  3. yes but u didnt clarify things like that u just said i would be right only once
  4. haha ..... so if i said the sky was blue ..... i wouldnt be right?
  5. haha oooo im right ..... paul never lets me be right.
  6. talked to my temp agency .... they are busy at the moment so if i dont have anything permanent by then - they should be able to get me something temporary. Just so shitted i had to ask what heappened when Ros came back before they told me - they gav eme the impression i was here til 30 Sept ..... usually thats what they mean when they extend ur contract!
  7. theres the advantages n disadvantages to both .... most of us have been on both sides of the fence - but this aint really the place to discuss it
  8. lady coming back off maternity leave at end of month and im getting kicked out when she comes back
  9. yeah $10 or so after 12pm. and everythings fairly expensive in there.
  10. indeedy they do just seen them let in some obviously drug phucked off the planet people before but wont let in drunk ones ..... what tha?
  11. nah the more whcked out u are the more eager they are to let u in ..... maybe that was our problem we didnt have eyes that were as big as saucers.
  12. erin still here?
  13. well its munch time so i'll be back later
  14. probably haha Liz was a staggerpuss ..... i was ok....... this weekend it was the other way around its all good fun - we are both gone thru a bit of a rough patch lately ..... so its just our stress relief away from reality haha
  15. yeah 33Spec2 gave us lift home last week Angel did ..... ahhh the SAUWA taxi's where would we be with out them
  16. haha Liz just staggered past the bouncers in the exit she used as the entry .... got to the top of the stairs and this bouncer comes running after her and told her she had couldnt come in after that
  17. it is - ask 33spec2 and cam .... they know all about our antics certain amount of babysitting is involved tho - otherwise we get into too much mischeif...... last weekend Liz got thrown outta the Rise haha
  18. hehe thats right nah theres only one bit im a bit hazy on ..... drunk to much went and plonked myself down on the couch - thought i was going to be sick - and its pretty hazy right up to the bit where i rushed off to the toilets thought i was going to be sick - but i wasnt and after that i came really good and went all hypo hahaha theres just drinks come from every direction when we are out ...... and u cant say no to them haha
  19. i know - we have no shame - oh well thats just us
  20. haha Liz put the idea in my head - apparently its really funny and we were really maggoted soooo it seemed like a funny idea at the time
  21. Cam shouldve come we were going to go see a peep show at the end of the night hahaha
  22. hehe ik know u got one about big tits .... and my bros birthday .... um but i only remember sending three yes hell pissed hahaha ..... it was my turn to stagger
  23. hey Erin - u at home?
  24. nah she just bugs me ..... nice person but in small doses - its shes got sucha sickly sweet bright voice - its like for god sakes get off my phone!
  25. yeah i ate heaps trying to soak up alcohol!
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