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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. aloooone ewww dud M & M - tastes weird!
  2. yeah well this is just Dyls not my big boss. i have a feeling the maternity lady and the big boss had a "thing" anyway .... thats whats going around .... some comments were made. So i lose out.
  3. BTW - FReddo has gone missing - for real
  4. im bribing my supervisor with M & M's haha
  5. that long and no ones posted! blah
  6. i wokr 38 hours a week..... im not allowed to do over that - cos i dont get paid for it .... so my temp agency said 38 hours is max
  7. i do today (god bless flexi time) .... besides i owe these pricks nothing!
  8. Hugs Bam - i need one haha got a point Snyper!
  9. 2 hours til hometime .... correct - 2 hours til gym time
  10. when are they going to invent a Skyline that runs on phucking air!!
  11. im only a contractor and the lady that i took over from is coming back from maternity leave .... so i knew it would happen .... but they gave me the impression i was here til the 30 Sept ... which gives me time to find new job .... today i found out she's coming back at the end of this month .... they dont even have a firm date they can tell me ... so all of a sudden im in this deep hole and a rush to find a new job - so i'll probably take anything offered and not like what ive chosen!! Wanted the Xtra time to find something i like
  12. be not at home sat morning anyway .... but saturday arvo i will be free - probably sleeping but at home and free. Liz and i are going out again Sat night .... and im going out tonight .... so sometime i have to sleep PS- found out today im losing my job
  13. cam got flat tyre couldnt come over
  14. i have to print out everything on Korea from Austrads site ..... 343 threads worth .... phuck!
  15. not unless Cam gets new brake pads into my machine
  16. Yes Synper No CC
  17. nah we aint groupies - we stumbled across them one night in Fremantle - looong story ....... funny as tho anyway off to lunch for me
  18. nah contracts for or of service dont get shit ..... most of us around here are on contracts/ temporary - so we can be thrown away as they wish. im especially bad cos im from a temp agency and not the govt recruitment
  19. haha i like M & M's but they arent very substantial for lunch anyway im going to catch the CAT into Perth and wander around .... was going to buy some new make-up etc for tonight .... but we'll see how the budget goes now Have fun with the house loan see ya
  20. ahhhh bugger! haha adelaide for hols - funny! Say hello to the South Australian Football Team for me n Liz haha
  21. whats good cheer up food? i dont feel like eating but i need my energy for tonight & gym which i cant join now cos im not sure im going to have the money .... soooo what to eat?
  22. thats ok i was thinking im going to be hungover all weekend anyway.
  23. yeah i got a cold - its good cos i can pass off the tears welling up and runny nose as part of my cold
  24. yeah well its her car .... but i know it would make her day if i got her one considering the amount of times we've sat in emergency rooms etc with each other .... i think i can give her that.
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