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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. yeah well thats this guy!! everyone else i hear coming but him i dont! Gotta Love Alt Tab! Nah i just chuck my jackets with the regular wash and iron them haha if they hold up great if they dont oh well!! I thought u were more a Techie anyway richard!
  2. haha Bel - nah i think i'll stay a blondie for a little while longer
  3. cornrows LOL!! haha god funny as 100ppd will get u the Whore Title - that at the moment is GTST VSPEC - he lives on here but he's in England at the moment so cant.
  4. haha cant help u with drycleaners yeah its quiet .... mr very very sneaky is lurking tho (he's kinda my boss always springs me on the forums cos i never hear him comin up behind me .... he's also indian .... reminds me of that guy from Mr Deeds .... Mr Very very sneaky )
  5. haha looks like we've created another whore
  6. when i get the money im getting hair extensions in cos my hair takes too bloody long to grow and cos i bleach it - it breaks easy soooooo i think i may have to go the extensions. its at my shoulders and wont go past there
  7. black suits u russ .... blonde i would imagined been a disaster. I went thru this stage i wanted to die my hair fluro orange haha .... when i was 15. But yeah ive been every colour under the sun too - execpt green n purple etc.
  8. haha had that happen ..... never try and colour in your hair extensions with marker ..... long story. No probs i'll grab both stickers off u. Ur going to Singapore Russ ....... Bam is in Kuala Lumpur from memory.
  9. yeah mine was for ministry too but i kept it for a while afterwards and i kept getting people ask me who did my hair
  10. i would love to say yes Bam ..... but i have to say no .... unless bam wants to bring me home a pressie *jk* Richard that would be great - if not dont worry about it - im fairly arty so it'll be liek therapy haha
  11. i nearly died my hair back red the other day ...... my hair used to be a BRIGHT cherry red back in my raver days hehe my friend said i should go back cos it looked the best out of all the colours ive done my hair .... and i honestly thought about it but resisted.
  12. well after u finished with the kitty stencil - can i have please
  13. hey Richard welcome Back
  14. no Bam cant say i have ... not a big fan of mangoes.
  15. hehe Mullet! mangoes .... sounds as productive as my day on the net
  16. haha .... yeah ive got photos like that
  17. hehe i got skyline folder too its cool cos its got all the stuff from when i ifrst bought my ZX and all the stuff from my Skyline - its like a little baby album
  18. yeah well i woke up didnt know where the hell i was with just my undies on .... lucky my ex was next to me otherwise i wouldve really panicked! i didnt believe him at first when he told me i got that drunk and passed out ..... then i saw my clothes .... um white pants is not a good look under thos conditions!
  19. not feeling to well today .... hopefully be better by tommorrow - planning on a real early night tonight
  20. ive only chucked in public once ..... that was enough. i was my ex's bosses Xmas party ... his boss kept feeding me up with alcohol and one minute i was fine and the next minute i passed out and dont remember a thing ..... i still reckon that drink was spiked .... never passed out before and never drunk that little to chuck!
  21. Hehe ... chucking reminds me of the SAUWA Rarebreed Hall of Fame
  22. hmmm yes well the limit on my credit card is $2,500 and ive got $500 credit - so i dont think im going anywhere. Never been to Singapore - saving for Europe Dame Russ - i was hoping for some neons oh and some airfreshner thingy mijigs oh and some huge drift stickers
  23. hehe fair enough James when i clean my room all i find is bills ive overlooked - and the odd photo i forgot about
  24. i would but funds are tight and my parents are giving me enough crap about having no money at the moment - but take lotsa photos to show me!!
  25. hahq Bel talk to 33Spec2 .... he's the interior decorator
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