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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha my mum drives a commodore .... clubsport. Hey Neo!! Where u been :grouphug: No still got shithouse brakes on .... Cam got a flat tyre last night! so couldnt do it!
  2. hehe my ZX in with fuel probs for 2 months - i drove around in a hyundai excel that the caryard eventually reported stolen cos they forgot they gave it to me!
  3. haha its funny when they say something nasty about the car your driving and u look across and they are driving VL ....... u cant say that wouldnt swap given the chance! dipshits!
  4. haha thankx for reminding me Adrian my dads birthday is on the 12th July!! haha Richard - i'll take one off your hands .... she REALLY wants one - and so it'll make up for the crap birthday pressie i gave her hahaha
  5. morning Shaft!
  6. my friend wants a delirum sticker on her Excel desperately .... im not into them. Front Mounts are not Rice they are the serious shiz! Anything that proves the performance of your car - i would not call rice .... its all the useless Bling OTT stuff that is.
  7. haha i agree with u Snyper! aghhh the SHIFT sticker - every Trev has one ..... hopefully they'll take them off now Nissan has: Shift_ the future i have standard BOV my car makes Brooommm *insert turbo whizz* Broooommmm hahaha
  8. like to see what the import scene is like in melbourn .... imagine it wouldnt be that big if i had to explain to two melbourne guys what made that Scccshhhh sound on the QLD cars!
  9. mmm morning tea pizza .... .yummy!! *be good lauren .... be good .... no junk food
  10. yeah theres not much Rice on my car at all .... only 2 small nismo stickers near my rear wheel arches and then my No! its not my boyfriends - sticker. No big arse wings, no over the top kits, no neons ... no toys! No brand name roll call down the side. but i have to have the monkey ....
  11. hehe we can have a SAU - URAS monkey tracing n cutting day ... it'll be like one of those Lifestyle show segments "Tonight on better Rice N Cars we show u how to make your own URAS monkey sticker - using a photocopy, contact and stanley knife" haha
  12. yeah might do it with contact .... not a bad idea. that way least i can get the exact size i want cos i actually want it to sit on my bottom lip of my front bar .... maybe - ive seen it done looked mint but what it looks like on my car may be another matter.
  13. i'll just tell them my 3yr old lil sister drew it and i thought it looked kinda cool not many people in perth know it anyway
  14. yeah i thought of Memphis but he might not do it because everyone will begin to want one and thats when you start to run into copyright trouble ..... my mum had a sticker made up for her car by some friends .... i might get them to do it
  15. hehe u been watching too much of The Block if they dont mass produce them URAS will never know hmmm not a bad idea might get it done by a sticker place
  16. Welcome back Richard .... good to see your still alive
  17. hehe STi very close to STD now GTR ---- that cant be confused with anything I liek Subiaco Oval .... fairly bornig - but Crazy Johns Stadium .... sounds like the $2 shop of Ovals! haha they should call it Big Kevs Stadium then they can have the slogan .... Im Excited!! haha
  18. be on the same as me .... so level 2? thats great news tho - and govt treats u fairly well even tho it doesnt offer a whole heap of job security.
  19. lol - yeah is aw Baseketball about 4 years ago so my memory of it was a bit foggy. Carefree Super Stadium or Libra Fleur Stadium .... has a nice ring to it Or Durex Ribbed Stadium haha
  20. do u really wanna know Snyper?? Urinary Tract Infection haha
  21. organisational charts are a nightmare!! so still getting my $100 a week i pay in tax Psiker ...... or u got a job?
  22. haha it does doesnt it!! be like Bendix Ultimate sounds like a tampon company
  23. thats the one the monkey that looks like a cat a two year olds drawn is that any easier to get a hold of?
  24. where theres a will - theres a way gentleman
  25. ebay eh? thanks for that wouldnt mind a little one yeah thought it was URAS but didnt want to say just incase wrong.
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