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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Bam thats ok noone loves me either :grouphug: to bam
  2. sounds liek its all go for your beast adrian .... im saving up for Europe next year - i think the stockie may be staying a stockie for a while unfortunately.
  3. nah adrian it was just a dirty Black Skyline James - lucky u im at work - had yummy morning tea tho
  4. not many people around here ..... they've all be fired ..... bloody mergers!
  5. SHAAAAAFFFT! :grouphug: did u see me wave to u about a week ago - u were on welshpool rd
  6. hehe quiet here too. trying to look busy!
  7. haha yeah i guess it was just a joke - gotta be more eyecandy there than in the government tho!! haha nice to meet u ... richie - i take it. Im Lauren aka Niz so what u doing if ur not at work?
  8. i miss paul
  9. had huge morning tea - i feel fat now!
  10. morning hunnies went from a really busy day to a really slow today theres a admin job going at Jandakot Airport - dont know whether to apply or not. mmmm pilots haha :drooling:
  11. yeah my boss used to have the film you put over the plates and he got caught by the coppers for using it. But its only a $75 a no points so its worth a try!! does it work just on aluminium plates - or will it work on polycarbonate like mine?
  12. well im outta here night all
  13. Someones got a travel agent t/as Turbo Trust Fund haha
  14. ^ haha sounds like Dr Suess
  15. night Rev
  16. mmm nice car
  17. alex did u get your little "rear shelf mess" cleaned up? ^ Niz reminds Alex what happens to plans
  18. howdy - hows the gym going? i go in for my pain sess on Friday - suppose to be today but the personal trainer is sick.
  19. these new tyres on my car seem 'sticky' u can always hear them picking up stones n sand n crap n flinging it and it bouncing off my wheel archs
  20. hehe and Rev210 Alex .... threesome are u over ya hangover yet Alex? Smurfs rock
  21. evening all - kinda dead in here isnt it
  22. see ya Liz Sweet Dreams :angel:
  23. am i alone
  24. hmmm i dont know then sorry aerograce. if they can put a strawberry face on a 180sx then it was highly likely something like that would be out for the Skylines sooner or later.
  25. hehe i already got a slurry nick - Lolly Longlegs .... i can see the heading now ... .but i wont repeat it haha we have visitors and its dirtee! Ever seen those personal ads ....... lonely housewife .... husband is away .... needs robust male. Phucking cracks me up
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