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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. oooo kinda a sleighty on an R33 hmmm i dunno ....... ive seen people kinda put some tape shit on their lights across the top to make them look more squarer like the R34 .... aidwin has done it me thinks .... but thats it.
  2. sweet - can we pick some really tacky names like Candy haha
  3. yeah but we mustve spent least two hours straight on your phone!!
  4. haha Liz ur almost out doing my potty mouth there maybe we should start up a phone sex line hahaha
  5. sorry i feel really bad about it! going to gym Friday n then partay that night ....... haha so i think its going to be a similar weekend to last! haha
  6. night cam yep just giv eme a ring ..... alex more than ewelcome to come too - more young blokes my mum has to perv on the more pleasant she is to live with haha
  7. Liz it can go towards paying off your phone bill on saturday night haha ..... so sorry - if u need money for that let me know.
  8. alex the pimp n cam's his bitch ..... i got emntal visions of Alex in a purple crushed velvet suit now and cam in fish nets and a mini haha
  9. haha u n your $2 suki suki Liz yeah for some reason when i was a junior i easily lived off $250 a week and i did what i pleased and had the latest clothing ..... now i earn double that and cant make ends meet .... haha werd!
  10. hehe old Cam 4eva tired ...... whos been wearing u out boy
  11. yeah Alex .... bitch about ur job, parents, life in general ..... haha wanna join in - good therapy
  12. well if your surviving off what ya got and making ends meet - and it could be a benefical place for you to work ...... stay if your struggling with your pay ..... leave Go where theres going to be opportunites in the future
  13. hha fussy Cam Hey Alex :wavey:
  14. Liz ...... then leave i had the same deal - eventually i was working under award wage and was the only person that knew how to do the job .... because everyone else got sick of putting up with the mediocre conditions and left ..... i followed suit. Some companies are just pricks! Im sur eu can get better conditions somewhere else ..... could always try government
  15. Liz - i did that ............... it didnt work to well haha but as soon as i got back off holidays the new car manager was on the phone to me ...... it was stupid them letting the only person that knew how to run that department walk and they needed me back - n stupid me went back for a while
  16. Liz it would be ok if it was just sometimes - but im a pretty independant person and i dont like my independance being "stepped on" Cam ........ what about some fried rice haha
  17. Hey Cam still going to do "operation brakes" tommorrow?
  18. my money!! for phuck sake! They are coming down to telling me what i will and will not spend my money on i earn it i'll phucking spend it how i please ...... plus they are constantly grumpy and ordering me around like one of their employees *gripe, gripe, gripe* When i first came home they were cool and let me live my own life - but they are starting to take over again and its pissing me off. If i didnt need to save for Europe next year i would move out.
  19. yeah ok - my parents are giving me a hard time I miss not living at home! Day ok at work? mine was busy!
  20. hey Liz
  21. well - love to stay n chat but its my home time later all
  22. NOS? haha i wish :grouphug: Bam - been missing ya hun - i said that yesterday
  23. hey Bam how u doing? *phew* finished organisational structure ...... its like we've all got swapped around a bit ..... im going to start working for a completely different boss doing completely different stuff by the look-see of things.
  24. im drifting in and out.
  25. sorry been busy today - everybodys away so im PA to the trade & investment manager - im drawing up organisational charts because of restructure ..... its fustrating me but im getting there ....... just letting u all know i havent died
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