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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. lucky u Bel hehe PJ boy well i have to go take Dylan to where ever it is he needs to pick up his car. Will talk to u guys tonight if mums not getting her Ebay fix Take Care Lauren
  2. haha its the first thing i thought of when i saw u Brett ..... someone just got outta bed ...... but Troy said it first haha and no im not going to forget your PJ's haha
  3. must have a nice fast metabolism james considering what i eat & how little exercise i do - i should look like a side of a house! Im not too bad still can fit into a lot of the clothes i used to wear when i was 16 ..... could use a tone up thats for sure!
  4. there mustnt be as much gravitational pull in QLD as there is in WA either that James scales are out! i thought it had a nice ring to it too - at first i was going to try and incorporate ur trakky daks somewhere into the title - but i thought i would make it short n sweet for ya
  5. Sir Whore-a-lot
  6. Bel im like almost 20kgs heavier than u - and im only about 8cm taller.
  7. u are Brett - true u just keep disappearing on me haha u are now adorned as one of the regular whores *brett gets on one knee - Niz knights him - big ceremonial party - everyones happy*
  8. how can u feel better when ur in pain? i dont know why she asked that .... maybe she wants to employee me We got a really good deal thats the main reason im going .... my friends conned me into it .... it works out ot be $14 a week and we have no joining fee - so thats no too bad.
  9. haha i was only talking dirty to someone i didnt know on the other end of the phone .... haha - why does that instantly take my wings away? i think apart from that i was fairly well behaved :uh-huh: haha specially for my extremely intoxicated state
  10. i got a personal training session tommorrow they are going to put me in pain!! funny thing is the lady from fitness first that rang me asked me if i liked my job? say what?
  11. haha dont think he is Cam - i like the element of surprise ..... most people think im a :angel: My weekend was good thanks James - haha got a bit trashed on Saturday night and ran amok. I went and renewed my license today ..... yay - it was two weeks overdue and i didnt realise til saturday haha ive been driving round with an expired license!
  12. haha thats good James im updating a database - about as fun as watching paint dry. how was the weekend?
  13. geez soon as i arrive everyone goes ..... no bam, no paul ..... me all lonely without me regular whores.
  14. www.toiletmap.gov.au ^geez the websites i come across!! haha
  15. Dyls is 28 - but drives oldie car soooo i dont know haha - wonder if i should tell him straight away the brakes arent too good and its got no airbag But if i do him this favour - then he owes me one - always good to have the boss indebted to u!
  16. hey brett :grouphug: hehe trakky dak boy
  17. i dont break traction too often now i got new tyres My ZX is hopeless in the wet - keeps wanting to go sideways haha gotta drop my boss off somewhere on way home - haha this should be fun
  18. sorry staff meeting back
  19. sore hands .... gotta stop writing n start typing me thinks
  20. going to go get my drivers license renewed before the lunch time rush - whoreu guys later
  21. haha yay Brett - u been working? im booking accomodation for a delegation from China
  22. haha how did Liz's Birthday go Alex?
  23. im still here if someone wants to talk
  24. bored - gotta renew my drivers license at lunch - its 2 weeks over due - ooopsie
  25. i wouldnt mind a daisy chain or something around my ankle - but i dont want it permanent - and i think i would just end up hating it in the end.
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