blah after the day ive had :ak47: @ work ...... you have no idea how much im looking forward to this.
25GTT PM your number (i lost in the great phone stealing of 04) and i'll try to remember
Hey does anyone have those like UV pens anymore ... you know the ones where you write on the skin and it only shows up in UV light. I was thinking about them the other day - havent seen them around since the last belmont gig that i went too.
heheh i jsut got the horse race schedule for Saturday:
I had to re-read it because the first time i read it - i read it like this:
Can see where my mind is!
*petie - im pretty sure it does anyway .... its been a while since ive been there ... it sells a lot of rave type shirts and im pretty sure junglist was one of them. Its on the main stretch .... on the metro's side of the road.
Getting lost is fun
Unless your trying to be somewhere and your lost .... that just shits me!
There's a Tee Shirt Shop in Freo that sells all those Junglist etc T's
:bahaha: i was thinking of watching that too ..... my ex used to say i was like the blonde chick in it when she was having dinner with her parents
"So what did you do on the weekend?"
"umm just went clubbing with a few friends"
PM Drifta - the guy that did it is a friend of his.
He came up to me one cruise "Hi im ..... i did ya boyfriends rear shelf" its his claim to fame Nice guy.
i havent been this hyped in ages too
I shall go forwards, not backwards .... upwards not forwards and always turning, turning, turning towards freedom :headspin:
This is the most entertaining thread that's been in SAUWA in ages
It is full of whoring
has no relevance what so ever to skylines
But damn there should be more of it Thanks for making the last part of my day go faster.
Break it down now!
dan for a moment there i thought you were going to ask if i was a copper! No i want bring round a uniform and arrest you.
Anyway this threads got out of a hand ...... so im with petie pie ..... look forward to seeing you all there for a good night .... its been a while since any decent music has come to this town
Yeah for sure Pete - just grab me again and say hi if ya see me n melki
Two tribes was the last event i went too ..... i was pretty disappointed with it ..... but im sure this will be far better