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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. how would u be - being a piercer and having to go near some feral persons "bits" thats enough to make me wince!
  2. well they are so sensetive - why ruin it by putting a bolt thru it? nah im not really into heaps of piercings of tattoos haha they are the kinda things u regret when ur old.
  3. nah they are only bright red and irrated for about 4 hours. its all good now - i have to rotate the earing every now and then - that stings a little. i reckon nipple piercing would hurt - how can people do that kinda stuff - ouch!
  4. its really quick - just feels like a beesting. trust me having a needle at the doctors is worse! nah im not a big jewellery fan ... i cant trust myself not to lose it anyway but i got a nice pair of earrings for my birthday and i would like to be able to wear them ..... i cant take my studs out for 4 -6 weeks tho
  5. yeah they had croissants this morning - but they were all gone by the time i got there. Oh well i had enough grease in my ham n cheese toasted sandwhich....... think im still trying to soak up the hangover haha
  6. i got monster feet slippers too i got my ears pierced on saturday morning ..... i had them done when i was 9 but they stuffed up on one with the gun and i had troubles with it ever since so by the time i was 11 i let them close up.
  7. mmmmm toasted sandwhich haha
  8. haha lucky u didnt i dont think Liz and I need anymore witnesses of our behaviour Yeah i got a cold now so i can sympathise. haha trackky daks! Phil ..... maybe u should open your own high class bar there?
  9. is there many places to go out in Kal .... heard theres a lot of seedy pubs n brothels there ..... although that may just be a stereotype? hehe yeah i had a good saturday night
  10. morning all hello Brett ..... PJ Brett haha Have good weekend Phil?
  11. messy game of football on the weekend - funny to watch!
  12. haha asked me on saturday night probably couldve got me to sign over my car .... my bank account details haha i got a cold
  13. yep brakes on wednesaday haha what ever u do if my folks are home - just keep saturday night quiet ..... they think im a :innocent: HAHAHA
  14. haha .... Liz rang them up and apologised for the "phonecalls" apparently they found them amusing...... but no at that stage i dont think we wouldve cared ......i think at the stage we were at even the fat barsted wouldve looked like a hunny hahaha
  15. awww cam im terribley sorry if i scolded u - dont remember why tho - haha u were a sweety and patient for the whole night *hugs*
  16. scolding? from who?
  17. thanks for keeping us outta trouble Cam
  18. yes unfortunately they are coming back haha i know we are shockers but we had fun!! Hows ur head?
  19. wow what a sad whoring effort ...... Liz i was suffering too haha spent all day on the couch watching movies .... some things that happened that night started coming back to me ...... man im a shocker!! haha Hope lunch was yummy
  20. Cmon it aint that bad seeing im drawing on info i learnt 5 years ago!!! haha i will take it up again one day mainly to decipher whats on that god damn dymo tape on the drivers door of my car!!
  21. hope Liz knows what shes got herself into tongiht ..... cos man im off my head haha
  22. haha why thank you badman ...... being one of the "girls" and speaking a mediocre amount of japanese i would like to thank you for those comments ....... but to tell you the truth the amount Ive learnt from these forums is enormous and these days i freak even guys out about my knowledge of cars Welcome to our forums we all hope u find it useful Lauren Oregato!!
  23. hey everyone .... Sorry Liz already pissed its been a pretty emotional day for me ...... ive gone off at my parents about giving Ben all the opportunites and me getting nowhere in life .... looks as if i may start training to be a marketing manager for their company ....... also ive asked about the possibility of me keeping the Zed and paying it off .... they want it gone before summer - and personally i really wan tto keep it as well ....... so hopefully i may have two cars. Although at the moment im in a SHIT load of debt and life aint too good .. hopefully things will turn around? i dunno
  24. thanks Ken :grouphug: back at ya well at this shameful time i is going to bed .... head not thinking to well even for whoring Good night all
  25. my feet are cold
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