well i can really think of nowhere else ..... i live closer than u.
damn it i need a penthouse close to the city bit like Addos but $600 a week is a little out of the budget
my grandfather used to take me out on bushwalks when i was little - thats how i know .... hence why its something u do when your older cos he does it haha.
no ken what we are doing is driving to citywest in Liz's car saying hi - then leaving Lizs car at kens in west perth for the night - brings the taxi bill down a bit and we get to say hi to everyboady before they leave
haha 4wd is cool fun, long with sandboarding, putting areosole cans into the fire, getting pissed out in the middle of nowhere ....... love it - so much better than hiking haha
besides we will probably be there fairly early if we are leaving from cruise point - drop car off at cams catch taxi should be in by about 10 at the latest.
im wrapped in my doona but mum has hidden her HSV slippers from me so my feet are cold
i spend about 15 mins in the shower in winter - do that twice a day ...... im the Water Corps worst nightmare
haha Liz - Troy sent me this ..... Are u a geek quiz ..... its god damn 200 or so questions tho! But one of them was - Do u sometiems go out dressed up as a geek or hold geek parties or something liek that ...... immediately i thought of your little friend
yeah he's hiking Ken - thats something im saving to do when im old :uh-huh: cant believe u go all the way to Scottland then hike?
Thanks for the cuddle Ken ..... oh and i felt that pinch on the butt