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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. thats what i said to him Paul
  2. Ive worked out that i spend an average of $30 a day at work = $150 a week Thats not including fuel!! its killing me! ........ its mostly parking too!
  3. she's in a really good mood lately!! maybe i should move out ...... if it has that 'i just got laid' effect on your mood!
  4. well hopefully i'll look even better when u get back Paul :uh-huh: oh well have to put u through a training sess when u get back eh? James - give ur car heaps from me too!
  5. haha i was conned into it Paul! ..... besides i cant join with u - for some of us a gym is an unglamous thing these girls will drag me along and make sure i go - plus we can gossip on the treadmills Bye Bye Phil sorry if im slow - trying to edit document and whore at same time
  6. im bad news too ..... should he stop talking to me then Paul but James - cut her loose and move on if its like that hun!
  7. dont know - one they are doing up in Morley apparently going to be real hoity toity!! Joining up with Mel, Chantelle & Tammy < they already joined i join on monday and go with mel for a "examination" :cuddle:
  8. nah it was pretty funny actually cos i used to get teased for being lanky and tall all the way up til i was 13 & then the most popular girls at school were the ones with the biggest boobs .... haha which definately wasnt me .... then by 15 i filled out a bit and started wearing skirts and had the most popular guys chasing me which made me very unpopular with most of the girls. oh well i deserved that after 13 years of torment!
  9. u want her back .... u still talk ..... so whats the deal? if it depresses u then dont
  10. i would love to visit Japan!
  11. thing is with a retainer plate u used to slur your words sometimes and the kids used to take the piss out of me for it ..... patricularly one guy - funny thing is i "grew" up and all of a sudden he stopped his teasing and started with the flirting ..... lets just say he didnt get very far!
  12. no i wore my retainer plate religously! and as a reward i only had to wear it half the time as u do normally - dentists always comment on how straight my teeth are and that my orthodontist did a brillant job. haha my mum got me those clear cermic ones on the top - but i drank coke and nauti staining stuff so they ended up yellow and yukky anyway!
  13. hehe i look nothing like my dad ..... hes got Black curly hair and Brown eyes ...... the only features he generously gave me was the gap between his teeth (thank god for braces) and webbed feet (thank god for shoes) otherwise the rest of me is a clone of my mum! Im more dad personality tho ..... i dont say much about what im feeling, i think laterally ..... little less emotional than my mum and a little more rational.
  14. oooooh! i never got those sorcer and wizard books haha sorry. There mainly a guy thing anyway. (but then again i suppose so is cars)
  15. i have more ups & downs than a yo-yo but the thing is im never level - im always really up or really down which is usually a sign im going to be on "happy" pills as well when i get a bit older.
  16. what kind of books does he write?
  17. nah its not a phase with my ex ..... he's 28 i think the only phase he has left is the midlife crisis - but his dad has suffered a breakdown .... his brother 50 and is as screwed up as Andrew now is ... andrew does have slightly more problems tho ... but im thinking maybe its hereditry? Man glad we didnt have kids cos if his family has mental illness and my family have depression & mood swings ....... the poor little mites would be pretty Fd up!
  18. never read Eddings sorry. I like crime and biographies haha James wish i could get my arse back to QLD - but im meant to be saving for Europe next year! funny thing was - it was the middle of summer and it was raining...... it was our welcome to the Sunshine State
  19. im not worried anymore James - it only occured to me the other day that his older brother is exactly the same way and Andy was worried about him ..... must be genetic makeup or something - whatever it is i cant help him and i no longer blame myself .... besides ive dreamt about him a couple of times since then and told him off ....... and its made me feel better to get things off my chest to him even if it was just a dream
  20. haha thanks Phil welcome back Ive been to Robina - me and Mel caught a bus there and it was pissing down with rain haha!! my roof at home all this time i thought they were giant rats
  21. high school was ok - i used to have so much energy and i was always happy and bubbly and nobody could shut me up .... im a little different now..... i dont know where all my energy has gone and i dont know why i have a healthier diet and all now yet i have more god damn zits than when i was in high school and at stage where i lived off marsbars and coke! Nah my ex was the one that got me into the mischeif - he would get drunk and him and his mates would get a wicked gleam in their eye and hatch a plan ....... usually somehow i got dragged into it but it was all good fun. He aint that happy person anymore tho.
  22. where abouts in QLD u live James? haha its not a stalker question just want to know if ive been near there thats all.
  23. come to think of it ..... my life is pretty much boring compared to the constant mischeif i used to get up too.
  24. haha we had a posh private school nearby - the boys got drunk one night and wanted to go steal the crest off the gates ..... i didnt want a part in it cos i was pretty maggoted and so they tried to talk my friend who was on her L's at the time to drive the "getaway" car - they even drew up L-Plates for her and everything ..... i stopped her going - she was maggoted and on her L's it was really dangerous for all involved!
  25. haha my best bud hasnt ...... i think she's expecting Brad Pitt to come along ..... so she might as well join the nunnery now me thinks!
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