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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha we had a Mazda dealership next door to the car dealership me and my ex worked at anyway him and his friends went and stole one of their M-Day Sales posters put it up in his lounge room on his side so it looked like E-Day
  2. what u have lost your mizuage yet? (sorry inserted the japanese word for it)
  3. haha gotta love the asian countries and the way they word things .... its not E-Business over there ..... its E-Fulfillment haha sounds like something a raver does
  4. hope noones car was injured when i was 16 i took the piss out of this 18yr old girl i worked with who was dating a 28yr old and living with him and doing his washing etc - i even remember telling my mum that the age gap was huge and i dont know how she could do it etc ............ guess what i was dating when i turned 18 ....... i had to eat my words totally! and since then ive kept my mouth shut because i think i cursed myself.
  5. log took out the shed? .... Toto we're not in Kansas anymore hahaha
  6. i think its funny cos those that say it wont happen its usually the first to happen too. thats why i never say anything about stuff like that ..... ive already made myself look like a hyprocrite one big time in my life.
  7. hehe Bam - least it sounds like an interesting life - give the king a big sloppy kiss from me & for god sakes tell them that Jeff Gallop is the premier Not the prime minister!! haha James - never say never ..... how about if u find a girl u love and never want to let go ...... marriage is like handcuffing her to u
  8. haha nah its why u have mummy and daddy to pay for it i dont care about my wedding anyway .... i know what its going to be like - 80% of the people i wont even phucking know just be business associates of my parents ..... but since they are paying for it i dont care i'll just turn up in the white dress ..... its all for a bit of paper anyway. still here bam
  9. awwww oh well a strut brace is a strut brace man weddings are expensive - im in this hotel site cos i need some rates for a governor from china - anyway im on hold to this hotel so im browsing around its website - the cheapest wedding package is $80 a head!!
  10. quiet? i got a nismo front n rear strut brace .... cost me sweet FA,
  11. *hugs* Bam Yes an SAFC would be nice - i already have a dodgy bleeder in my car and was hoping to swap it for an eBC ....... but unless its with monopoly money - its not something i can afford to do til about 3 months! probably not even then cos thats when my contract runs out so just dreaming
  12. ah k so just depends on the brand ..... phucking confuddling why dont they just call a duck a duck!
  13. oki get it now .... so people like me that cant have a Power FC anyway go for the EBC .... or whats in cams car as long as we have the SAFC?
  14. go on - thats what i would do James - its not like u can lose your license!! All just different methods of controlling boost but whats the difference between what Bams offering, Whats in Cams car and an EBC? whats more effective?
  15. difference between that and a EBC is........
  16. hehe thats soooo cute James. hehe i pictured my car when she was little just then ..... now shes big, fat, whingy & feral. She spewed up outside my bedroom door this morning - its the first thing u stepped in when i came outta my room ...... charming!
  17. i got some really good ideas of what to do to my car - some slightly ricey - but anyways i have no money to do it but it would look like a phucking mean machine if i had the money.
  18. nah cos then they take ages to make one .... and the cafe downstairs is pretty shit - just too cold outside to walk to west perth to get a decent lunch. Bam im going to the gym on Monday - somehow my friends talked me into it and i was sober at the time too!! So ive got til now n monday to eat as many M&M's i can before i cant have them!
  19. but your coming back tho Bam!
  20. *niz does puppy dog eyes* Im sorry master has already done a great honour in employing me i didnt mean to disappoint him sir - i seem to have misplaced your itinerary.
  21. yeah well as soon as i lose my license my parents will take my car off me because its in my mums name ........ but i dont think i would tell them if i lost my license - my ex drove around for 3 months when he lost his - u just have to be extra careful.
  22. and 3 days after u get your license back - i lose my job James. pita bread is so much yummier than normal bread - but why do they insist on putting so much carrot in things - takes twice as long to pick it all out!
  23. yeah bel know what u mean - i used to ferry my best bud around so much before she got her license - when she got it she wont even come to my house cos of the petrol she reckons - she only lives 10mins away and drives a hyundai! hey Cam Which one you work for CC?
  24. dept of industry & resources - why CC? Its one of the pacific islands from memory bam bam - u know near fiji! actually i think its the capital of fiji?
  25. does anyone wanna be a Vocation Educational Advisor in Vanuato? good thing about visiting all these companies websites is they normall have a career section with job vacancies - so while im collecting data for work - im having a job browse for myself
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