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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. :grouphug: to Bel im sure u've got many friends who will run u around.
  2. *here bamie, bamie, bamie - i have some nandos for u .... ocme out from where ur hiding* haha gaylord focker - Adrian? i saw him on the road a couple of afternoons ago - i gave him a wave.
  3. ^ that was sick i apologise for that haha
  4. i would imagine u tasted one cok ya tasted them all eh Bam? haha
  5. something smells like KFC but theres no KFC around here .... driving me insane. i sounds like that cat of the Whiskas Singles Ad "Bowl check .... right still empty .... im totally obsessed with food" haha
  6. Well have a safe flight Bam!! we'll miss u P.S: Dont eat anymore bulls whatevers while your over there
  7. mmmmm catering platters just went past - means that i shouldnt have much for lunch because theres going to be left overs yummy!
  8. haha ur as bad as paulie!! :uh-huh: glad to see your folks?
  9. i think im the only one in my workplace that cant speak another language fluently - apart from my little splatterings of japanese.
  10. are u going back today or tommorrow Bam? all packed?
  11. for those that are interested this is what im currently doing: Going through a database of 800 companies - one by one looking up their names on internet to get more info on them to fill in 'the blanks' of the database ........ hands up who wants to be in my shoes! blahhh
  12. it is isnt it *echo rebounds round the room*
  13. yeah theres a few different names for it the one wrapped in bacon with garlic butter or just garlic butter by itself is usually mignon ..... on filled with bacon and cheese is corden bleu. and on that note its my home time! *hugs* Stay safe
  14. i was referring to horse power - but whatever takes ya fancy haha
  15. chicken corden bleur or chicken mignon
  16. haha HP would be way cooler Phil
  17. yeah pity im not cooking tonight - want to do chicken .... do cheesy creamy sauce stuff on the inside ..... wrap it have bacon on the outside .... so its all wrapped in a little ball held together by toothpicks .... hard to explain but yummy.
  18. with initials like JC u might be able to raise the dead howdie Brett
  19. LOL @ James Yeah Stewert was Andrews middle name. My dads side are Irish & French - so im stupid but i think im smart and apparently mums side goes back to ned kelly ...... so im a redneck thats stupid but thinks shes smart haha But i have the good old irish last name of Lynch
  20. 20 mins til hometime
  21. My middle name is Stacey My whole name means 'the laurel tree will rise again' - i think thats got pretty good karma to it :uh-huh:
  22. haha so many people are called Alex My ex's family are Scottish .... first time i met them - i met Andrews dad and his brother and his nephew ....... His dad was named Alex, in great scottish tradition his older brother was named Alex and his brothers son was named Alexander ..... i thought i had misheard! I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out which one was Alex - i didnt realise they all were!
  23. Cheesies are yummy - used to eat them while play playstation2. - then put my greasy pawprints all over the controller.
  24. nothing wrong with james if my parents had a boy they wanted to call him Jaxon
  25. haha just looking through a document - this guys name is Dick Ding - LOL so glad my parents gave me a normal name ..... although they were entertaining the idea of calling me Chastity ... ugh!
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