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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. im perfectly sane Cam - but one of my co workers is after Mr Freddo - she picked him up today and goes "This is a really nice pen" now everytime she comes to my desk she hunts him down to use him. thats why i had to give Freddo special markings so noone else would steel him - he's got green stripes!! What u call ur car Bel? Mine gets "Bitch" i swear that car gets PMS!
  2. See Cam - Brett loves Mr Freddo Hey Brett :wavey:
  3. looks windy outside - hope my packaging tape on my wing is holding up! otherwise i'll come outta work and my wing with be shattered all over the street! oi dont hurt Freddos feeling - he always gets picked upon cos he's different from the other pens ...... he's purple!
  4. over here ..... we arent Rugby people ..... thank phuck for that - what a boring sport it is!
  5. oi Mr Freddo is cool!! but he's currently under investigation for killing his lover - the pink highlighter ...... the pink highlighters been decapitated the lid was found in Mr Freddos pen box - The Eraser is currently gathering evidence for a case against Mr Freddo
  6. oh thats right Cam u havent heard of any of Freddos adventures have u? haha
  7. dont tell me that - im jealous!! one of my coworkers left today for a 6 day holiday ..... im stuck here
  8. i noticed that James! gets annoying - here we just keep posting crap til someone ansewers - even resorting to naming our pen Mr Freddo and posting his adventures
  9. another hour and 45 mins before i leave hell too. haha just finished burning CD's 12x - burnt 11 - took 3 hours the computer i did it on had a Hyundai monitor - that must explain why its sooo slow *chuckles*
  10. some of those characters are blurry and undecipherable CC! whats so interesting about it anyway - if i may ask? Harriets on holidays she should be back next week - i'll ask her to look at it for me then - unless u cant find someone in the meantime.
  11. good good. well im at work so that was probably a lie im hungry. nobody will vacate works kitchen so i can steal a couple of biscuits!
  12. hey James
  13. its the front or rear - on the box im worried about Cam hahaha yep thats fine - i think ive only got the pussie jack that comes with the car tho
  14. hey Ben
  15. Oh guess i better bring the brake pads as well haha would help Bendix Ultimate ..... as i said to mum - sounds like a brand of tampon haha
  16. LOL @ Phil Sounds like ur dinner meetings are going well Cam Any idea when we fit these pads? I'll bring beer
  17. CC - is it in the actual Japanese characaters? or the symbols u get when ur computer cant read Japanese characters. Also what is it relating too - cars i gather? between me and a chick at work we may be able to nut it out for u - but just ansewer those questions first
  18. hi peeps bet its ur hometime eh? .... ive still got 2 hours!!
  19. what tha Cam? i only know very basic japanese - im lost if its any more than Food, Counting, Greetings - or - "Wheres the toilet" hahaha carparts etc .... wouldnt have a clue
  20. cant believe its only 2pm!! for god sakes - why is the day going slow!!
  21. yeah i know im a classic what u up to on the weekend? going to have anymore business meetings? eh?
  22. haha what were u doing with ur hard hat off Cam - u know u should always use protection hahaha
  23. its taken me 3 hours to burn 11 CD's i wanna go home
  24. i could be basically running a friggin car dealership by now - if it wasnt for the fact that my ex still works there !! The guy under john hughes thought the sun shined outta my arse and said to me 12 months after i left "Lauren you'll always be the best dont let anyone tell u otherwise - we all miss u and we hope u find ur way back here one day" Red dusters eh? haha dont worry ive seen what they are like after they come back from up north - i used to search them seeing if i could find anything incriminating but nah just boring - red dust and the occasional helmet!
  25. any prados or landcruisers up there? if they are Rio Tinto ones i probably licensed them and driven them at some stage .... useless bit of info Anyways im bored too! as i said the most exciting thing i get to do is burn cd's and its taking 10mins for each one to burn
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