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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. dont be Liz - trust me they arent worth getting upset over!
  2. damn Liz - haha waited a week and i probably couldve got them discounted further for three !!
  3. i think the brake place at first thought didnt know they came in a pair and thought they were individually ..... cos i asked for two pairs to fit Skyline R33 and they looked at me weird and said why intend to do some heavy braking? and im like nahhhh they are for two seperate cars!
  4. yeah brake pads Liz - i picked up mine and cams Bendix Ultimates today $100 per pair from perth brake parts
  5. Liz - its one of those things where im over it - kinda read back if u want to know the fullstory.
  6. hehe yeah - well i bought two pairs at the same time - plus i think i had a little bit of charm thrown in cos they lowered their price further than what they told me the second time when i came to pick them up.
  7. im still here
  8. Liz - i see ur on ...... how are u tonight? Bam - its end of story for me now - read it.
  9. i got new tyres .... my last set are at the tyre place waiting for paul to pick up whe he comes back from england - theres 80% tread left on them but they have some big mofo eggs in them!
  10. Most of the time im a pussie cat but when im being picked on i turn into a tiger
  11. haha some guys i dontmind it i trust their driving skills other guys u think "im going to die im going to die"
  12. Troy im not like that - its just she had no reason to enter that convo and ive already been "warned" about her bitchiness ..... now shes trying to stick her claws into me and i will take it for so long then i will turn around and bite back so hard she wont know what hit her. Poor freddo? why .... he was getting some sweet loving from the highlighter :uh-huh: On site? damn! oh well tell him the good news when he returns.
  13. my computer is slow too slower than its operator anyway
  14. Wayne hate to break it to u .... but its not an area the D.O.T systems have access to - they can see how many points u have left but in that department thats as far as the access goes. As for your cop lady friend - if she wants to keep her job then ur screwed besides depends on the department she's in and what exactly she has access to as well ..... not all cops have the ability to change records - and the records that are changed are well documented what was changed and by whom. Sorry
  15. night Wayne ive been in a car while drifting - ahhh it was the best fun ive ever had - it was an R32 GTR drift car .... mmm it was yummy. but ive never tried to drift myself
  16. wheres Cam - im picked up our new brake pads tonight $100 each not bad cos i think originally he said they were $126 each
  17. i used to work with DOT ...... the truth of the matter is they cant unless they are the police hun!
  18. why has bam no slept? been having weird dreams about going on cruises (as in the ship kind) as well?
  19. yeah he was 28 Im 20.
  20. confiscations? how dare they - do u get ur car back?
  21. hehe bam - its Niz with a N haha Liz aint here .... hope she's ok tho! did u think u did better in this one?
  22. my ex lost his license 9 times. so u got a while to go yet haha
  23. we've really got nowhere to drift in perth even illegally hehe yep ive dropped my drink a number of times - my ex used to go thru the fastfood drive thru give me the tray of drinks to hold - drive like a crazy arse they wonder why they got spilt
  24. i put freddo away today he needs a res ti think the highlighter worn him out last night .... i'll get back to him tommorrow if i have time Troy - already stooped to his level enough but actually bickering - i can actually only bite my tongue for so long. As for the other Lauren she only wants to get in on it cos ive heard she can be quite bitchy to other females driving performance cars ..... besides i dont think its worth starting to argue with anyone with pink piping in their car anyway ok thats my little growl sess - shall leave the topic alone now. Hey Bam - how u doing sunshine?
  25. wayne ...... hmmm thats a bit over - only for 3 months or longer? u know if u run from the cops its only going to make things worse hun! I tailgated a unmarked cop car for about 5km once - that was after i tried to drag it - then proceeded to do 80 in a 60 zone and the same in a 40 zone eventually they pulled me over ...... i admited what i had done wrong when they asked me - they left me go with a warning ..... easy
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