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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. mine runs well - its just the brakes,bushes,tyres,shockies Ive had to replace wayne thanks for the visions of the exit of a red frog - real charmer u are
  2. actually i tell a fib - its suppose to be a joint venture between me an dmy dad. While i was in QLD my parents had my car .... but my air con stopped worknig and it was 50 degree days over here ..... so they did the nice thing and decided to buy a new air con compressor for me ..... but gen ones are rare .... so they bought a non gen one and it needs a new mounting bracket made up for it. They say its the thought that counts
  3. nah its cool - he's one of the people that goes around abusing people and you never have to abuse him back because he's doing a good enough job of making himself look like a moron! Plus he works in one of the performance (rice) shops over here ..... u would think he would be a bit more open minded. Thing is he called me stuck up and he's the one going around putting everyone down ....... anyway im with u guys now Wayne are u a lil pissed by any chance?
  4. haha love it Wayne: Why drink n drive when u can drift n slide Classic :uh-huh:
  5. thanks Ross - i'll make sure i dont forget it now hehe make ur own pipes .... is that anything like me making a new bracket for my air con compressor that was bought 4 months ago and is still sitting on my bedroom floor haha
  6. Glad u guys love me ..... some prick in WA is just picking on me and callig me a bitch for no reason .... apart from the fact that he hates RB25 drivers - what a tool.
  7. Red Frogs - are those ones that are made out of similar stuff to gummi bears but taste nicer .... if so i havent had them since i was ten I had red wine tonight ..... it was what was on offer! haha never knock back a free drink
  8. agh ive forgotten ur name .... please forgive me but in the meantime ..... hello :wavey: Wayne nice intercooler when will it be fully fitted .... better still when do u get it on the dyno
  9. well he doesnt have to get so personal - what a tool. how u been? is kyles feeling better - no more kneeing u in the .... haha
  10. evening Being causing havoc in WA so i thought i would come over here n hide behind u guys
  11. hey Troy - sorry for causing havoc ..... forgive me?
  12. Hey Rob how u n the beast doing?
  13. wheres the "for dummies" version Alex? feeling better?
  14. thats good James! any news on ur license ?
  15. yeah caramel is the best :uh-huh:
  16. hmmm a ford laser haha nah i dont know hows things anyway james - havent been able to chat to u much lately .... sorry
  17. hehe this sounds grose and very unladylike but honestly this morning i felt like i couldnt talk and in the shower i coughed up a massive "furball" and all of a sudden all my nose was clear i could talk again my sore throat had gone and i havent had a problem all day. i had KFC yesterday - i love nuggets dipped in potato gravy :aroused:
  18. haha wow so much money what did u spend it on .... sundae from maccas so if thats not what u want to do ..... what is it you want to do? Hey Bel laptop - my mum is looking at buying one of them I borrow works occasionally
  19. yeah im starting to get flu too had a really sore throat this morning.
  20. erin hun - having bad day need hug
  21. what new toy .... im afraid to ask.
  22. department of industry and resources ..... admin assit in trade & investment section ...... trust me sounds a lot more glamourous than it is - im basically your average shitkicker! yourself? i got a scratchie today .... i never buy scratchies normally - didnt win anything tho
  23. ive had it! theres no decent jobs out there at the moment either - which makes me feel like my situation is more hopeless. One powerball and im outta here
  24. phucking sick of working here ...... everyones getting taught something but me .... i dont know whether its cos im a temp or what but all i seem to get is the real shit jobs palmed off to me .... even by people on the same job level as me! I dont get any responsiblity or anyway to prove myself - im just constantly shuffling paper from one end of my desk to another and ive had enough ..... i want a phucking proper challenging job!
  25. i wanna move in with 1 other person - just to make the bills easier Wanna go somewhere fairly central to perth - like west perth or north perth, subi or leederville.
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