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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. nah i think they've changed ..... Bel has the fonts changed? they look narrower to me. haha - aidwin i think at the moment "my place" is a dream - i have debts to pay off first .... all $4K of them Think is ive got Champagne taste on a Beer budget!
  2. is it my imagination or has all the fonts etc changed?
  3. so bored ive been looking at rental properties on the internet ..... cos i walked past this one everyday in west perth - unit - it looks really nice - i guessed 2 bedroom about $200 - its actually 2 bedroom $270!! phuck! wouldnt pay that much a week for that!! Paying that ammount a week - in 2 years i couldve probably bought it with the amount of rent i paid!
  4. mmmm i know where i'll go .... i'll see u all later
  5. so whats for lunch gang - i feel like a fancy lunch today ..... but got nobody to take me out to justify a fancy lunch
  6. doesnt matter now i worked it out to be 3.94 billion australian dollars - pretty sure thats correct i entered it into the calculator as such 1 000 000 000 - if u enter it as that or if u enter it as even just 1000 - ur going to get the same ansewer
  7. dont u hate it when u want to look busy but u dont actually want to work
  8. yeah phil but we were working on the principal of how many zeros 1 billion had cos we couldnt work out where 100 or 1000 million = 1 billion.
  9. i hate these mushy motorvational emails people forward onto u - stoopid! funny ones are better
  10. so theres two seperate rules? what tha? so Aust 100 = Billion IN US 1000 = Billion I told Dyls 8 zeros!
  11. anyway bbl
  12. yeah but we were unsure how many million in a billion - how many zeros to put ..... it all got very confuddling
  13. sorry guys me n dylan are trying to work out how much 10 billion Ringgitt is in Aust dollars .... too early ot be working out stuff like this
  14. towards the back of the rows of regimented blue n black ballpoints ...... the cheap variety which sat a shelf below the high class rollerballs which was way outta my league ..... was one lil purple lonesome felt tip .......
  15. One morning not so long ago - i arrived at work to discover there had been a pen napping assuming they were already in slavery at a co-workers home for their grubby 5 yr old to play with ..... i made my way to the Stationary cupboard to adopt some more.
  16. morning Phil Mr Freddo says morning to all as well
  17. geez i thought paul could stuff his car Alex but it seems you've earnt the new title!! so what u going to do? He's also a security guard at work Alex ..... and hes 32 *niz shudders*
  18. After research into Freddos Family Tree I have discovered that Freddo was a result of an affair between the High Class Blue Rollerball Pen ..... one of the more exclusive pens in the Stationary Kingdom and the Green Highlighter who was quite lowly.
  19. Bouncer at Metro City wants to ask me out a little birdie told me this morning ....... nice guy ..... no chance in hell tho!
  20. Morning Rob
  21. *Niz brings out Mr Freddo again .......*
  22. *hugs* ALex Vent away hun ......
  23. agh nother Vin Diesal fan? Mels housemate is a total fan - the house is a bloody shrine to the guy!
  24. Well good luck Liz just do what u need to hun .... but trust me running away doesnt solve it ..... my break up was main reason i went to QLD ...... but the past has a way of catching up with u Im off to bed folks Sweet dreams all *hugs* Lauren
  25. Yes u are ..... coming from a chick who calls her felt tip Pen Freddo
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