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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. he's got a date with the orange highlighter tonight - if they get up t any hanky panky i hope he's on top because the highlighter might squash him
  2. how long til the cuzz's wedding paul?
  3. at paul yes u are the very thread that keeps the fabric of our lives together Kyles - animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for ..... sometimes too god damn smart for their own good!
  4. chicken soup ...... that all they fed u? poor paul must be starving!!
  5. hehe yep already planning tommorrows episode Well i have to do something to amuse myself now i dont have u to talk to during the day :uh-huh:
  6. nah i dont need one ..... besides if she gets a laptop - maybe she'll let me have this computer all too myself im reading a good book at the moment: Memoirs of a Geisha - sounds boring but im really enjoying it ...... just thought i would share I had Fish n vegies for dinner tonight - the corn was yummy ..... thought iwould share that too Kenbo gone?
  7. Troy - look if i had to hear about ur bedroom antics last night the least u can do is put up with my mushiness I am feeling better thank u
  8. awwww sweet - yeah just kicked mum off ..... she's buying laptop now so she can be lazy n work from home - plus it makes it easier because she works from so many of the different branches and not a central location
  9. paulie u going
  10. Evening Bel - its my hometime in 5 matey enjoy your dinner - talk to u later :grouphug: too all - even Troy Later *Mr Freddo says goodbye too - he will be back tommorrow with more adventures*
  11. *They watch Niz write with Mr Freddo - oh the colour - the stremlined lightness - the easy of which the ink rolls off the felt tip - no balltip blotches here ....... the jealousy in their eyes is obvious - the technology is far superior to their ballpoints*
  12. *Niz says an evil co-worker walk past her desk...... they spy Mr Freddo ...... they have a look of "gotta have it" in their eyes. Niz thinks it would be better if Mr Freddo came home with her tonight ..... its not safe here!*
  13. haha Bam geez u guys must think ive totally lost it .... oh well im enjoying myself - sitting here making up the adventures of Mr Freddo my Purple Pen with Green Stripes. Trying not to crack up laughing at my own lameness
  14. *Niz gets Mr Stapler to guard Freddo at night - laying lots of paper around Freddo as if anyone should reach out and grab him they will recieve a nasty paper cut* :uh-huh:
  15. *Niz explains to Freddo that he may encounter some racial slurs in the pen box as he is not like the other blue n black pens ....... that he is special*
  16. *niz decides to name her pen Freddo*
  17. *niz carefully wraps green sticker round her purple pen*
  18. hehe paulie got OWNED!
  19. works same old crap different day just terriotrially marking my purple pen - things go missing round here Bendix Ultimate Troy
  20. *niz chews end of purple artline pen just so noone at work will steal it then *
  21. nah paulie aint a partay person. he would be the last person to gatecrash
  22. well if u get stuck ring me
  23. i want a big exotic cheese platter with a bottle of red!
  24. im leaving at 4 2morrow gotta go n pick up mine n cams brake pads
  25. where u staying tonight Liz?
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