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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. besides i cant use IRC at work
  2. cos it sucks bam see ya kyles
  3. yeah bam they can cos ur teeth wouldve erroded by ur stomach acids
  4. yeah i went when i was 16 and i never had been to a dentist before - they said wow for someone whos never been to a dentist ur teeth are perfect - go back this year and had to have 5 fillings ..... so probably best to have them checked out kyles. My teeth have deep grooves unfortunately - another one of those quirky things i inherited off my dad - plus my teeth are quite ground down for my age!! but i know why that is ... i grind my teeth when im stressed .... i grind my teeth when i sleep ..... in fact im constantly grinding my teeth haha
  5. next time i wanna knee a guy in the nuts im going to use that excuse ..... sorry but u made me hiccup haha
  6. im suppose to have my wisdom teeth out - but im kinda attached to them for now!
  7. ouch somebodys violent in bed haha ive got one more filling for them to do - but dentists are a rip off so i havent got it done yet!!
  8. Hi Dylan, Thanks for all your help last night. We had about 45 in attendance from the money we took so that was an excellent roll-up. We could not have done this without your co-ordination ^ HIS PHUCKING CO-ORDINATION??? i did it all!! he just rolled up! *Blaaah!* never get any respekt around here!!
  9. watched the movie - all the best bits were in the clip tho so the movie was pretty lame after that. i spilt beer on myself accidently before we went so threw out the movie i smelt like an alcho - i kep ttapping mel on the shoulder "hey mel - i smell like beer" 10 mins later "god damn i smell like beer" haha she didnt mind she was more pissed than me
  10. haha Kyles sounds like the stuff the dentist numbs your mouth with i always talk retarded after the dentist - puts me in a bad mood! - glad ur feeling better Bam .... i drink about as much as any person my age
  11. 4 hours?? ack! Mel n I went and had lunch at Little Creatures Brewery - bottle of wine later - we decided to go see a movie ..... but Bruce Almighty didnt start for an hour ...... so we proceeded to the pub for more drinking
  12. Hey Kylie - feeling better i hope?
  13. :wavey: Bam how was the rest of ur weekend?
  14. yeah thats the name of it hey Bam n Bayley Got a sore throat - think im getting cold
  15. i didnt get a close look - just saw the white line and white stripe from the distance -hadnt seen any others with those so i assumed it was urs .... i know otherwise now my mum says she can window shop but not put anything on lay-by Yeah but if u do really lcare for someone u cant help but get jealous thats also human nature - but theres always a right way and wrong way to handling things.
  16. Liz we shouldve stowed away with the SA Football team haha we couldve become their "groupies" or promotional skanks
  17. well osmeone else is got a white skyline with the white stripe across the windscreen then - it was parked in front of Joes fish Shack - didnt check number plates -saw white stripe just kinda gathered it was urs!
  18. talk 2 me - im trying to avoid working
  19. Kym what were u doing in Freo yesterday? eh?
  20. carrying on from last night ..... im a bit of a flirt and andrew used to be really possesive of me - going thru my phone, car .... god knows what else - but when we were out and guys were looking at me he took it pretty well more of a compliment than anything as long as they didnt overstep "the line" but yeah ive been accused of sleeping with quite a few people by him - half i didnt even know!! i was like "who?" got to the point where i got sick of arguing and just did the "Whatever" and walked away he would eventually apologise and do the usual "its just im scared of losing u"
  21. Alex your brother looks like Justin Timberlake
  22. no shes only let me on the computer fro 10 mins bitch anyway have a good night yall
  23. awww everyones on but i cant talk mums hogging the computer!!
  24. anyway must go pick up mel for lunch in freo .... Liz maybe i should go bang on room 1033 and see if they are up yet haha i would imaginethere would be a lot of hangovers this morning!!
  25. hehe hey Ken .... me n Liz got into mischeif last night We stumbled upon the South Australian Football Club and the club president was trying to pimp his guys out to me ....."What about this guy? hmmm do u like italians? ........ can i introduce u too? ..... Cmon just tell me which one you like and i'll see what i can do" Had such a funny night ..... i think me n Liz really needed a night liek that :uh-huh: certainly got our minds off things!
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