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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. yeah my mum suffers from car sickness and is a natural born whinger! *must have some english blood in her* but u talk to mum and she exaggerates everything!! she sounds like she drags every car and is a total rev head ....... but in reality she drives like a pussie! Paul yeah i know but apparently i have 80% front brakes left and no back brakes ...... so considering those odds im replacing the back first
  2. see u tonight Liz ..... make sure u get that $2 worth outta russ ok? yeah just from spending ages polishin my mags - i remember seeing grooves in discs
  3. I wanna go to Ireland but i hear the scenery in Scotland is really beautiful.
  4. agh i hate driving wit my mum "Lauren we are doing 110km in a 70 zone .... u realise that? .... thats 40km over" "thank u mum glad u can solve mathematical problems" "*insert lecture about losing license here*" *repeat process when entering new speedzone* AGHHHHHH
  5. nah Phil - i really love my GTR wing - just seems to be of very poor quality thats all! then again i was doing a 130km when it decided to dettach! how to tell if they need skimming ...... only changing rear for now - i aint made of money at the moment!
  6. noooo not the GT wing - rather drive around with my bush mechanics wing thank u *stir stir* how u doing? my grandparents are here at the moment
  7. overcast paul - not raining but it looks like its heading that way i order mine and cams brake pads today - the guys at perth brake parts seem really helpful guys.
  8. hey phil - i will be coming tonight - my car looks shit with his wing covered in packaging tape tho oh well gives u guys something to laugh at haha
  9. im fairly good today - or maybe thats the champagne talking ...... my mum offered me some of her tablets but i knocked them back so she offered me champagne ..... who am i to argue - mother knows best right?? anyway took her shopping today
  10. hello
  11. the part of my GTR wing that rests on my boot lidhas dettached from the sidewall of the wing - also my wing cracked up the sidewall awhile back - i think my wings a cheapie - whoever had my car before me has tried to do everything they could as cheap and nasty as possible!
  12. hehe i know why now - my bloody back spoiler has come apart - currently held together bush mechanics style with packaging tape!! its soooo sad
  13. Ken, Why did my car go thump then sound like something (eg human body) was dragging along the ground on way home yesterday! i had to pull over in abernethy road and put hazards on - some nice middle age man stopped to help! he followed to make sure i got home alright - but it stopped after that - it was this almighty thud then drag!! its all ok now. anyway going shopping with mum BBL
  14. oi ken just getting u back for that auto comment hunnie! oh and thos emountain of other comments flung at me on sunday - geez u were a mean boy! haha
  15. My ride should look choice it practically looks like a GTR but unfortunately thats where the similarites between the two end Well Sweet Dreams
  16. well bed time for Niz going to actually go to work tommorrow and face the mountains of email and crap work waiting feel sorry for me :grouphug: to u all Lauren The Top Whoress in SAU
  17. i would just like to say the bigger the wing the gayer it is cos it looks like u boys are trying to compensate for something. Ahhhh the thing su can safely saywhen pwpf aint here
  18. hey Micko n Brett :wavey:
  19. mark well i wont mess with u on the road then - mines mostly stock good colour choice tho
  20. hehe yeah Ken u shouldve been watching springer - they even took each others tops off while pashing. didnt do much for me but as soon as i saw it i thought of u hahaha
  21. i think im going to have to start havinga little disposable camera in my car ....... so many funny chop moments i have to take pictures of!
  22. hey ken - catching up on what - brownie points?
  23. Nice to meet u mark - yeah Hondas always want to drag me - no other cars just honda drivers haha i chopped one in equally as stylish form on St Georges Tce - PVA Glue was watching from his bosses BMW haha. Yup the cops leave me alone (*niz hopes no boys in blue are reading this) Ive been left off a 6 point fine before - ive also bargained with a cop and got a 3point reduced to one ..... he was practically making up excuses for my speeding plus he asked me where i work before - he was full on drooling at me .... yuk! So yeah break out that short skirt and those false eye lashes mark haha How long you had your line?
  24. Epoch well i would give u a ride in mine but mines nothing special and ive already been xtremely nauti in it this weekend (Liz said im one crazy chick and i was driving more sensibley than i normally do ) So for the sake of my license i think i might get one of the guys to take u around. Might want just to post a thread in events or something to get their attention
  25. Nostalgik - good thing about being female - they stare into the car - see its a chick driving then leave u alone it was so funny Nostalgik (whats ur name by the way im lauren) we first arrived at scarbs at about 4:00 and she started doing laps - revving the hell outta her little honda civic me and Liz who was also driving a black line were sitting there talking to some friends then we went and had drinks at lookout and we cameback about an hour half later and she was still doing laps!!! Anyway we were on our way home - she follows us cuts me off and nearly takes out half my front spoiler - then i pull a finger sign out the window at her then she does the same to Liz - So im "Right this means war!!" So in heavy traffic i hunted her down and made her look so ridiculously slow a few times that by the end of it she got the hint that she was drving a piece of shit and started driving normally
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