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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. the toilet fairy? hope he and the tyre fairy arent related haha haha juat catchy jingles that u cant get out of your head - well least the advertising agents are doing their job
  2. i got Roh's on mine but Adrelines. Those look ok but look more like something that would come standard with a ford or holden - good price tho - if u like them then u should go for them - they wont look ugly.
  3. aghh its ok my car looks better in the day
  4. invisible
  5. some guys tried to take night pics of mine but it didnt work to well - black car/ black background all you could see was my headlights.
  6. *sings* What the world needs now - is M&M's sweet M&M's there the only thing that theres just too little of. haha sorry been watching Austin Powers now gay songs are stuck in my head.
  7. haha Baileys younger sister looks older than her?
  8. *niz gets covered in kyms saliva with all those ssss* Say it dont spray it kym
  9. Siennas? isnt that in Mt Lawley?? i used to go there all the time - good grub :uh-huh:
  10. :headspin:
  11. hey boxy thought u left me
  12. haha yeah what is the world coming to kym? u not switching sides on us are u Yeah Bam he gave me and Liz this piece of advice - never eat a kabab on your first date - in fact just dont eat on your first date haha
  13. on the phone to who Bam? haha amazing all the different people that visit whoretown when pauls not here.
  14. my dads tools are crap :uh-huh: still gotta install my rear speakers - shall start on that next weekend.
  15. I am thanks Alex - mustve been ur hug i got a standard BOV that C-red told me was aftermarket hahaha
  16. thats good Bam u going to gym? or hasnt daniel put u thru his torture yet ....... i saw him eating a big fat kabab yesterday!! haha
  17. Thanks Cam - thats mighty nice of you river setting - our building has river views - but i dun get any! blahh!
  18. and when are u starting ur diet bam .......... eh?
  19. haha well since i had no dinner last night Bam and not much to eat today i think im allowed a chockie fix to cheer me up
  20. hey Erin when u get on - sorry if i havent replied to emails today ive been home - i'll make sure i reply tomorrow
  21. yeah im a bit of a slowie cam still avent got my M&M's im waiting for my mummy to come home n go take the videos back and while she's up the shops i'll get her to get me some
  22. no i wanna talk!! i was just reading back to see if i missed anything ...... i wonder if aidwin would like to give me his bleed valve as mine is shit :uh-huh:
  23. my handbrake dun work haha and my brake pads are loooow so if i have to stop in a hurry - im screwed!
  24. hey Bam yeah im lurking - catching up on the goss haha Kym another warning: Leave your poor car alone!! I quite often see u driving thru West Perth on way to work in morning but u dun notice me
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