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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. i didnt put her on - didnt have the courage - didnt have $25 on me at the time haha i would rather not know - than know and be disappointed haha i will one day but for the time being she's just a stockie - running slightly higher than stock boost with a dodgy bleed valve - thats it. Didnt realise u had an auto memphis! Have u put a cooler or anything in yours? An intercooler and replacing the horrible pussie zorst is my mission but i keep saving up for these goodies then having to spend the money on neccessities like tyres n shockies and now i need new brake pads *sigh*
  2. Bayley - when u pay for personalised plates they dun really care which way u put your numbers or letters on it or what u put on it as long as it isnt offensive
  3. huh?
  4. heeh i have a bouncy castle - i would liek a set of coilovers but ive already spent $3k on suspension and tyres
  5. thanks Bayley Evo kitted proton - ouch Rice. but we'll forgive her for that.
  6. dont drive around with bad shocks on for too long - thats what phucked my tyres why no rear wheels cam?
  7. later Docile thanks again - yeah he was named Shadow cos he was like a Shadow - even tried to get in the shower with me Bam - the car becomes difficult to drive so still u can hardly turn the wheel - like losing power steering but worse - Kym got it to the end of the street and had to get it back to his house so he could reconnect it - they make special Hicas Lock Kits - they are made for a reason so use them! Hey Kyles
  8. Bam - DO NOT TOUCH HICAS!! u need a special lock kit to disable it - u go pulling plugs out willy nilly and ur car will be unable to drive - go ask strich9 he did it. SPECIAL LOCK KIT NEEDED!!
  9. thanks Mat i dont know what to do but i think it would be hard to call him - besides i erased his mobile number accidently. ive probably got it on one of his business cards somewhere but with andrew u have to be in a certain state of mind to talk to him and at the moment i cant handle going to work and talking to my boss let alone talking to someone like him. U did raise some very good points tho He better be taking care of my cat!! If he's not taking care of himself i hate to think what shadow looks like!
  10. hey aidwin been wondering where u been thanks bam
  11. Thanks Docile - im glad someone went thru the same thing - i was geting the feeling people were "for god sakes woman get over it" but sometimes theres a long story behind it and its just a bit more complicated than ur average breakup. So its nice that someone else went thru the same thing and felt the same way
  12. haha yeah Bayley - whats even scarier is when they have the name of your kids already picked out - geez i thougt it was girls that was suppose to do scary stuff like that. haha yeah madams better - sorry people picked on me for spelling airborne wrong in my sig.
  13. Docile i tried the D +M he contacted me and said he needed help but he wouldnt acknowledge the problem ..... so what was i to do. Then the next time we got together he was telling me what a phucking legend he was and how he was playing all these mind games with people sooo i thought what an arsehole im not even going to try and help that!! He had this girl with him on Sunday ..... now with me where ever we were he couldnt keep his hands off me sometimes quite embarrassing - but with this chick he wouldnt even acknowledge she was there - at one point she had to grab his hand - and this was before he spied me - she looked like a real hard bitch that would be making things worse not better. So i cant have a D+M with someone with some chick that looks as if she would punch my face in if i even looked sideways at her hanging around! As for contacting him i think he showed me on Sunday that he has no time for me and i think i would only be makin things worse not better being in his life but not IN his life if u know what i mean. Our breakup was really painful for him - he had his life with me all mapped out. Passions - geez i can watch an episode of that not watch it for 6 months and they are still on the same plot haha
  14. how crap is daytime TV?!!!
  15. It goes like this (i used to be an licensing clerk) u wont be able to keep them for long if your car is in another state - i think its 3 months and then it has to have the plates handed in and the car licensed in whatever state your in and licensed with those plates. Sorry.
  16. yeah i know - i was really depressed up to about 3 months after andy and i broke up - so bad my mum was going to take me to doctor and get them to put me on anti depressants like they did her but i came good eventually and didnt need them and went back to my happy bubbly self living in this world that Andy got his life on track and someone else had suceeded where i failed ..... yesterday it just dragged everything back up and ive fallen into that dark place again. so gotta drag myself out again.
  17. it was like i was lookign at completely a different person in andrews body yesterday and yeah its torn me up bad - he always said his world would come to an end if i left him - i always thought he was exaggerating *shrugs*
  18. Haha sounds like we were in a similar circumstances Mat its good u now have a great girlfriend - i just seem to end up getting used sooo hoping one day theres some light at the end of the tunnel
  19. hey bam welcome back
  20. the lesbos were getting it on - on set - oh and ken - no i didnt tape it for u hahaha
  21. oh u boys are going to like the next guest - shes cheating on her husband with a woman P.S Bayley the female form of a pimp is a - madam
  22. well yeah it came back Mat But im one of these people that dont like to sit and watch someone destroy their life - but i tried to help - i spent two years trying to help that boy and in the end it just started destroying me as well so i got out - i hate to see him as unhappy as he is. Bayley - yup this guy whos dating a 16yr old girl slept with her mother and aunt - mother and aunt are currently in catfight!!
  23. I used to work with Daniel - Docile - til he upped and left me to join the gym haha i actually saw him yesterday
  24. yeah i am thank u docile haha springer is cracking me up ..... god so sad Watching springer Bayley ..... not at work today
  25. hey docile - have we met? couldnt find anything sweet in house so im starting on cadbury liquer
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