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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. nice to see im not the only one that pulls when drunk haha she seemed nice cam ...... reckon shes a possiblity eh?
  2. haha was talking more about the perv factor - i think even thats gone down since we've split up - he used to be real good looking - but if thats what he's pulling these days then there must be some serious BO or something happening - he used to be a real good dresser but he looked like the other deros in there - wouldnt be suprised if he's lost his job at skippers actually must ask his mate cam i still talk to.
  3. haha honestly ..... what did u think Liz? not that u got to see much of him and he didnt smile one bit the whole time - which is a pity he has a really nice smile. Thanks Bam ya softie :goruphug: hey cam who was the chick u were with - u seem to have a different one for each week
  4. garlic prawns yum my favourite ..... havent had dinner. Cant be stuffed. Im not normally one to let people upset me but i think i just care what happens to some people too much - i honestly dont want to see him unhappy ...... i would love to walk away and not care but at the end of the day i do.
  5. Unfortunately i cant help but blame myself. But he's bought it all upon himself - just hard to see someone that u used to love and part of the reason i left is in the hope they would find help but now he's worse. Bu thats the first time that since we've been apart and ive bumped into him and he's just uped and left - usually he's really pleasant and friendly today he looked like death warmed up.
  6. haha i saw u get out the car Liz and i thought "oh my god shes not going to do what i think shes doing is she?" haha then i thought "go liz!!" same with u asking for the maccas girl to pretend like we bought a happy meal!! that was almost as classy as me stealing a lollipop from a resturaunt haha
  7. ken its not - i want to go back its more he's destroying himself and now i feel partly to blame that he's gone so downhill! Ive been living in this "he's ok, hes doing fine - someone suceeded wher ei failed bubble" and its just been popped and i feel head phucked.
  8. haah yeah i rang u cos i smelt mine so badly - haha i thought i wonder if liz can smell this!! But obviously u had your own haha
  9. boxy hard to watch someone u love destroy themselvs and ive been living in this bubble for so long "hes ok his life is on track he's doing good someone suceed where i failed" today that bubble was popped and the skank he's with (and this was from two points of view not just mine) is not helping his condition. Obviously i cant go back but as i said its hard to watch someone u love destroy themselves. Anyway sorry just had to get it off my chest.
  10. kens lurking ...... come cheer me up ken
  11. then u did floor it bam now ur looking at losing ur license tch tch
  12. yeah main thing holding me back was brakes - could see myself plowing thru acorner and hitting a tree. Haha nearly didnt stop in time for that intersection Liz ...... and the time they didnt pull meup with paul yesterday .... he said their worse than his so they must be bad!!
  13. i saw my ex today - i hope he wouldve had his life on track and some girl had suceeded where i failed but he's gone sooo low - and his he looks so cold and unhappy hes completely destroyed himself and i feel so hopeless because i did love him and i did what i did for his own good but he went and destroyed himself anyway.
  14. i topped 140 in jarrahdale but i wasnt constantly doing that - i would go for a play wait for liz to ctach up the speed off again - it was good that we were both enjoying ourselves at our own pace but still looking out for each other although i dont know what i clocked going past that honda that wouldve been more like 160
  15. hi guys .... need someone to talk too shit weekend well it was good til one event.
  16. its cool Liz - i was being pretty pussie for what i normally do - how i cut that chick in the civic - thats more my normal style as scary as it was - i thought i hope Liz doesnt get lost but i just had to do it!! she really needed to go down!
  17. i saw red skyline parked on our way out. Anyways i think i'll pass on cruising next weekend - i gotta get these rear speakers installed!
  18. yeah u could smell mine - yuk!
  19. i no have downshift action - auto besides chopping stupid tarts in hondas is fun - love places like scarbs because its where all the wankers hang out :uh-huh:
  20. Bam my brakes are shocking - there aint much left - so i cant really afford to do 160 thru the woods!
  21. yeah saw Daniel (25GTT) he and i were parked along the main stretch in a loading zone at scarbs - heaps of people came and looked a tthe cars - this little kid picked mine out to be better tho haha - he was going "look mum its a skyline" and putting his grubby vegemite fingers all over my back skyline badge
  22. hey Bam sorry my puter is real slow tonight - needs to be turbo charged :uh-huh:
  23. haha - i hat epeople that ruin my boost - the car spools up then i have to hit the brakes cos they are driving like a granny. I know Liz but the email to Erin bought it all back then seeing him today its all too much for one weekend - he's destroying himself i feel so helpless - even tho he's my ex i was hoping that someone else could get his life on track but nooooo he goes and finds the most diease ridden skank he can find then buries himself further.
  24. *enter the honda killery* :wavey: haha she was a god damn stupid bitch - man Liz u shouldve kept up cos i killed her - i made her look sooo bad it was not funny - stupid cow!! I couldve dragged her in an excel and won. The ex things head phucked me quite a bit tho! i didnt realise how much til i got home and i keep dwelling on it even tho im trying not too. i really hoped he had his life together.
  25. right well all alone and im going to bed :zzz: C ya 2morrow if ur at SST's otherwise whore ya later
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