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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. thought uhad job joe or u been booted out for chatting up the receptionists?
  2. awesome - im going to live on the moon then and im taking a years supply of junkfood with me!
  3. still trainee wage - ouch u staying at fujitsu or had enough?
  4. well that was phucking rude even a quick bye wouldve been suffcient!
  5. not bad troy - they have applied to xtend my contract til the 30th september but nothing has been approved yet and one of the girls from my temp agency that works for the same dept but different section is beingbooted outon the 30/6 sooooo im really not sure - im looking for job but there aint much taking my fancy - looking for another state or local govt position cos they pay bloody well!!
  6. haha their balls may be joe but what about the rest of the "Member" wheres paul i wanna go to bed but i wanna say goodbye
  7. haha true - the eye bigger than brain probably applies to me as well
  8. An ostrich's eye is bigger that it's brain
  9. thats good amazing how 3 of us live in high wycombe but i never encounter u guys in my travels!
  10. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie
  11. i really am on my own ...... how rude no goodbye or anything
  12. More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes
  13. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher
  14. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired."
  15. booo hooo im on my own
  16. :zzz:
  17. Muriels Wedding is on - how tragic
  18. hmmm need to eat a LOT more to be anna nicole andim going to need some major implants
  19. u need a new front bar paul - besides the veilside front bars are a bit fugly - sorreee.
  20. its albany weather in perth at the moment - no rain just freezing!
  21. mmmm carbon fibre. hmmm so much stuff to fund maybe i should stat working on a near dead sugar daddy to help me pay for all this haha
  22. i dont see many like mine around - all the black ones i see are standard mags standard kit. Only ones i see like mine around are GTR's
  23. typos - thats how the keyboard is a bit stiff.
  24. i dont think there that bad mels housemates boyfriend was ooohin and ahhhin overmy car last night - he goes "you know what i like about ur car - it looks mean and u havent phucked it up with loads of stickers n crap" He wants to buy one now but too scared he'll phuck it up the *****.
  25. i wish u were too
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