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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. what he says its true pity noone thinks that about me haha oh well one day
  2. Dockers won - jus tincase anyone was wondering - good game lotsa punch ups
  3. awww kyles thats so sweet didnt think anything came between a man and his skyline
  4. Thats ok Paul - the upkeep is quite high :uh-huh: and ive gotta add GST
  5. u sounds like u been lotsa places kylie thanks paul much better now
  6. haha u have playstation or nintendo? airline food is getting better - our meals on QLD trip were quite good
  7. awww u only think im worth $2 - even the balinese arent that much of tightarses haha
  8. i will when i have money ouch just scraped the back of my heel - hurties!!
  9. only place i went was bali - and the balinese kept going to my dad "how much for ur daughter" i think now he's regretting his decision not to sell me haha
  10. paul u saw my brakes today ...... thats made me a little nervous!
  11. errrr not celbrating ur departure - besides icecream is more of a cheer up thing than a celebration thing :uh-huh:
  12. hope u get better soon kyles
  13. haha my parents liked it paul - i'll buy an extra big tub when u get back paul
  14. nothing much to enjoy in airports Kyles! Epcoh: 40,17,5,1,30,18 Supps: 23,20 that entitles me to 10% ok haha
  15. kyles ..... feeling better?? they stopped giving u morphine now
  16. depending how much i win paul ...... if theres a comfortable sum there - i will Epoch i think so just give me a moment
  17. i only get called Lauren when im being told off - my dad calls me Lynnie always has done - my mum calls me Lolly the guys i used to work for used to call me Lolly longlegs and my friends call me Niz except my best bud shes calls me bitch haha
  18. not ur fault my car is shit paul its cool as i said - mmm EBC :drooling: might phuck off bleed valve all together - was hoping to win lotto tonight to fund this project but it wasnt to be
  19. missed Bam - whadda bout me uh-k well i dont know what time we are going to be in scarbs but its not going to be a late one.
  20. glad i didnt go out tonight - me so un-energetic :uh-huh: gonna be early night. should wash the car before i come tomorrow its looking like a country car its got so much dust on it!
  21. epoch - everyone will be down at SST's in Radium St Welshpool getting their cars dyno'ed if u want to come see
  22. haha paul - i can do that in two
  23. epoch - dyno day then im taking sneeza for a cruise then to scarbs for a showoff n a couple of drinks - why?
  24. paul geez ur bad haha just when we thougt we were rid of u Hows ur flight?
  25. Soroity Boys ..... someone said it was good - it was ok similar to Van Wilder but Van Wilder was better. We've got a small video shop - all the good stuff gets takenon friday night so ur just left with shit to choose from on saturday haha - i used to go in there all the time for the scenery ..... i swear that guy thought i probably had no life but was only there for a perv haha Hey Epoch
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