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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. hehe bamie tomorrow really i will start - i'll be out for most of the day so the temptation wont be that - i was in a real bad mood today so i went out and bought comfort food ...... i even ignored the rather gorgeous video shops guy ..... i think he likes me ..... but probably after today he's changed his mind!
  2. english/england is hardly what i call heaven! my ex wanted us to move over there ..... i told him to go to hell im not moving to that miserable cold dump if he wants to go he can
  3. i really only eat white meat - i do eat red occaionally butits not really my thing its so sweet cos when the guys have a BBQ they usually buy chicken just for me
  4. u no like bamie? chicken breast is good for u and yum mmmm hotdogs yum too Then we had this conisuierre icecream that paul introduced to me - its called english toffee - u gotta taste the stuff its like heaven! :drooling:
  5. hey chaos Hugs Bamie! Good one Chaos no burgers ummmm what about french fries n subway eh? haha says me who had pizza tonight - my folks mad eme do it i tell ya
  6. They have mad cow disease Cya Paul make sure u drop me lotsa msgs I'll try n keep the whoring seat warm seeing ive got no distractions now haha
  7. well i dont know about anyone else but i didnt win lotto tonight so no R34 GTR for me
  8. im off guys - see u tommorrow
  9. its not adrian - i promised i would tell her a story - but i couldnt do it via email cos she has one monitored email system where sh works so about a week ago i said i would PM it to her and i only got off my arse to do it now!
  10. Bye Paul - will miss u hun *kisses*
  11. nah just go straight to SST - that swhat im doing - when i haul my lazy ass outta bed - ive gotta go clean car n room in moment - just wanted to say final goodbye topaulie - plus i have a PM to write to Erin.
  12. why am i forever known as the tall chick
  13. i dont have his number just tell him to look out for Nizmo plated car - beside she should find it easier to find me than me him
  14. well that shouldn be hard to spot then!
  15. shouldnt u be putting ur bags in the car or something paulie :uh-huh:
  16. what does he drive paul - dontbe a bitch i aint looking like an idiot and asking everyone if there name is russel! Cannngton maccas is further away bam
  17. nah its cool Bam - probably wont wander down til 11 - im suppose to be going out tonight - havent decided whether i'll be going or not yet.
  18. nah i want to see adrians car and i want to see a couple of runs and talk to some people - but im not going to stay the whole day .... no hey how will i know the dude with the stickers?
  19. ahh k - u going to be there at 10 - or rock up a bit later?
  20. no maccas for me ..... im on diet starting today - phucking starving too but im determined to be good.
  21. what time u getting there Bam? you'll have adrian and the others to talk to as well - i just think its going to get very boring very quickly - want to go say hi to everyone inspect the cars grab my stickers n go.
  22. :grouphug: u boys grope each other in group hugs i never get any of that action
  23. i'll be there til Liz finishes her dance comp so yeah i'll be there most of the morning to early arvo
  24. that wasnt very nice Bam hows he spose to bring u back pommie chicks now he's dead haha silly boi
  25. hello bambam :wavey:
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