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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. well im having a bad day at work ..... Grrrrrr anyone know of any good jobs for me - ive had enough of Sneaky and his gang!
  2. Thank you for all that have praised my baby - im really flattered Theres some really tidy cars in there!! Yep thats my car u see at dumas Exit - its usually fairly dirty because those trees drop wattle onto it its actually famous with the city of perth parking inspectors!!
  3. its a long story ...... but i dont think he wants to talk about it haha Dans car has a wiring mess and so it took a little while longer ..... hmmm well a lot while longer then his car didnt like its EBC being ripped out and he spent about 45mins pulled over in the emergency lane of Graham Farmer trying to figure out why the car wasnt working (vibratin n stalling frequently) - after some more dodgy wiring he limped it home. Poor guy but im sure he'll have it sorted soon tho - just the night didnt go well for him at all
  4. hehe would u like to edit that comment paul?
  5. If the guys would like a female on the committee then i will put myself forward - career wise Event Management is what i hope to do anyway so it would be good experience for me - but...... I think its not fair to have someone on the committee just because their female when there is guys that have been around longer than us and probably better to do the job ..... so if a female wasnt elected to the committee dont think us girls are going to have a tanty about it and take it personally
  6. time for me to depart too :wavey:
  7. hehe well before u sell ur car Bel - if u decide to - pull out all the mods and i'll give u my addy to send them to haha mmmmk just dont want u rushing around saturday only half organised cos uve got a pain in the arse friend.
  8. maybe u should go without me tonight - im already being an inconvenence.
  9. hehe but saturday got bleed valve to play with how long is an EBC going to take for u to install - wouldnt imagine any longer than an hour?
  10. pauls installing one for dan - was going to take it off pauls hands myself but im a poorarse - if i was secure in my job i would but at the moment spending that kinda money is a bit of a risk
  11. i get home about that time - i want a quick shower i feel dirty. ring me just before u leave - and i'll let u know whether i can make it or not - but shops are open til 9pm anyway so its not like we cant go after EBC installation
  12. paul i aint no hippy!! u seriously ocnsidering selling it Bel?
  13. paul what time should i be ready tonight?
  14. not really boxy a nice handfull - most tall chicks are completely flat so i guess im lucky that im not. just wrong bra i think. i threw out the tarten skirt n tie a long time ago. doubt i would still fit into it anyway
  15. bel your imports sell for a lot more over there than ours do over here.
  16. man u boys are so lucky u dont have to wear bras - my shoulder is sooo sore and red and irrated cos the strap is cutting in
  17. Bel u would have $4.60 in there if u didnt have the chicken, cheese n bacon burger today
  18. haha need a coles myer card paul that way u can put what u want on it from myer n pay it off when u come back mmmmm more debt haha
  19. i bought new jeans and a top for my birthday - i need new jeans for winter! the old ones keep falling down - unfortunalely think its the fact they stretched and not the fact i lost weight!
  20. yeah well my pay didnt go in when it should yesterday so i didnt have enough to pay for my tyres lucky i have a credit card and it just had enouhg room to squeeze my tyres on - ive only got $40 credit on it now!!
  21. me too Erin - i remember the days when i first started work and didnt have a car so i used to be able to spend $180 on a jacket!! these days im lucky if i can spare $70!! I read this thing ages ago - you know u drive an import when your car is dressed in Apexi, HKS and Trust and your dressed from the bargain rack of the local second hand store! Paul - u want to go shopping with a female? guys usually dont like that - apparently we arent good to shop with haha. But if u want to thats fine - just save me from buying anything ok!! Im not allowed to even look. Me + depression + shops = $0 in bank account!
  22. why dont u buy clothes in england? yep no point me driving
  23. paul i used to run 4kms a day not to mention that my job involved walking up n down stairs all day. im no stranger to exercise its just i was used to being told i was too thin now im a little heavier its hard to get back into the swing of things. and im feeling fine in the stomach its just the head thats not good.
  24. no the gym will make me feel sore but yes considering my parents have a lot of gym equip its lazy of me not to wander out the side and use it occasionally.
  25. yeah tmep work sucks pays good tho - but any kind of contractors here - ones from temp agency ones from government are all here to the 30 June - thats 80% of us. and my boss whos a level 2 but is acting in a level 6 position as of the 30th will be returned to his level 2 positon - he aint happy jan! this whole place a tthe moment is one big phuck up joke!
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