i have my own gym and im starting a health kick as of monday - it gives me all weekend to drown my sorrows in what i see fit!!
gyms are way to expensive and i dont want onlookers to see my fat jiggling.
nope when they transferred me into this position - because the position i was in before became obsolete - i was sooo happy that i got this job and that my contract had been extended and this total bitch who was telling me about it - focused on all the negatives and kept saying over n over again the dept has the right to only give you 3 days notice! she was a total an utter cow!!
erin dont take the health results too seriously - man i would hate to know what mine says - havent exercised in a while and i eat badly! least u got good grip - im a weekling at grip - paul knows that. Your fitness levels are fine to get yourself thru day to day - as u said that fit chick got told she was obese!! this is how pathetic these tests are!
haha Erin - Retail therapy was made for Depressed females - what is with that haha! its late night shopping here tonight - it would be tempting except the money i have is for bills and possible job loss - my temp agency rang yesterday and one of the other temps at these offices has been informed her contract is definately ending on the 30/6 so they wanted to know if there was any news on mine
no Erin - wasnt that - was over that a long time ago hun *hugs*
Just u know how u get that sinking feeling sometimes - i have it today.
boxy - haha car detailing is shit - one of my friends was a car detailer - didnt make bad money tho - he was earning more than me and i was in the office.
Bel - haha im not really a good communicator my dad said to me one day when it was just him n me in the car and we were talking about my mums personality and he goes to me - your very much like me lauren if not worse - u dont show ur emotions too often u just hold it all in.
So every now in then i just hold it all in til i crack like this. oh well - i'll have a good cry when i get home and get over it.
bel - i tried to not talk about cars to this one guy - then he asked about my wheels cos i told him i needed my tyres replaced - so i couldnt help but go into a bit of an explanation how driving on bad shocks gave me eggs etc etc - even that little bit made him look at me like i was a freak and then he goes "some of my mates are into cars but everytime they talk about them i usually switch off"
yeah one look at my car and u see balck seems to become multicolured - u got ya orange gravel, ya white mud, ya yellow wattle stuck to bonnet n roof hehe
Bel - for some reason my interest in cars is usually more of a turn off for guys than a turn on. I usually get ......... well im not that interested in cars.
sorry just had to get this invite run past my boss - he was impressed
just depressed cos - im having a Bel day - i dont know just got to that point where u take a stocktake of what u got in ur life just to find that a piece of machinery is the only thing that'll stand by you.