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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Thanks Ben So whats happening today?
  2. doesnt matter Ben - no point going over old news eh? Today is going to be a good day for me i get keys to our house! Yay!
  3. :violin: dont spin that shizzle i couldnt made any clearer than what i did yesterday
  4. Paul, i wouldnt even waste 15mins out of my saturday to go vote for any of the pricks. Labour or Liberal i cant say i feel pasionate about either to enrol ..... they are all going to use our tax funds for the same purpose .... jet setting around the world, they are all going to lie, they are all going to bring in stupid laws and new ways of taxing us. I really dont think voting should be compulsary anyway.
  5. think she'll be out anyway cos she cant keep criminals in prisons - its been a year of bungles for her. As for me - im not enrolled - not anyone worth voting for - they are all going to bend us over n give it to us up the arse anyway.
  6. haha .... well i gotta go do my afternoon duties at work before i knock off - so we'll ahve to save the subject for another time *hugs* take care
  7. :grouphug: ok soppy moment over!! Lets talk about football haha
  8. well that sounds promising good luck to both of you
  9. thats sweet. Nobody cares when im upset .... apart from a couple of good mates. Oh well no use feelnig sorry for myself
  10. wow quick that must feel really lonely!
  11. awww nice! Where you taking her? kinda what kind of food is it etc?
  12. so whats everyone donig on the weekend?
  13. wow ... that must be fustrating
  14. awww Ben what she upset about? Your a good boy being there for her when she's upset
  15. funny stuff hows the girlfriend gonig? still happy with the service you're providing.
  16. haha Ben you look something like Brad Pitt right?
  17. thanks Charly you put my back into place - all those years of whiplash now gone
  18. see all ya lucky barsteds gonig home :wavey: i still got 2 hours!
  19. ahhh sorry had to stop for a "Bitch" break with the staff here haha
  20. *jumps off one of the ropes and onto Skas shoulders* Cowabunga Dude
  21. haha ... god im bored!! nice day over here to be out cruising too ...... bought myself some new tunes at lunch cos i was sick of listening to my old ones
  22. where's charly gone - i'll challenge you charly!! *Bikini skank gets in ring and bashes charly over head with round one board* :elaugh:
  23. i want to see some wrestling moves!! SAU WWE
  24. blah sorry about the stutter puter went apeshit
  25. "In this corner of the ring we have the reigning champ Charly ....." *walks around the ring with round one board*
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