Well after a Engine Rebuild, a front ender all in the past 6 months .... i come out of work today to find that some kind person probly looking for money for their next hit has smashed my drivers side window in and taken my radar detector. Luckily thats all they took as i kinda had a premonition this morning when i pulled into my usual spot right in front of the entrance doors to work that something like this was going to happen so i gathered up all my CD's that are usually strewn over my backseat and my CD player face and locked them in my glove box .... lucky i did!
All my go fast bits are still there which means they either go disturbed or they looking for a real fast buck.
My mum got done by multinova twice on the way to come n see the damage done to the car. She's going to write a letter to accompany her fines ..... which goes something along these lines:
I hope you start putting this revenue to good use as in the past week both my son and my daughter have had their cars broken into. If you stopped revenue raising and started putting more patrol cars onto the road maybe this sort of vandalism would stop.
My adopted brother Ben had his 6 month old SS commodore wheels n rims stolen, all windows smashed and keyed last week after he attended an engagement party ... so i guess i got off lightly.
Such a piss off *insert rant here*
P.S - if anyone can recommend a business that is good at repairing a smashed window and retinting it .... it would be appreciated ..... i was thinking Novus or something :confused: