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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Bye Bye Aidwin. I have bug to spend money on my car ..... parents will kill me as they want me to save but theres too many ideas ticking over in my little brain and i cant leave it stockish! Ive actually decided i dont like the inside ...... im actually considering after the performance side is done to get leather interior .... even tho is sticks to ya arse when wearing a skirt. Im thinking im going to go for black n white leather.
  2. you wont get banned but you'll get done for false advertising when you start getting PM's from people wanting their car cleaned Hi Tom :wavey: you over your little tanty a couple of nights ago Re: Commodore?
  3. Car will be at gym 7:30 - 8:30 .... no writing filthy messages on it .... no touching it ..... or you will be a eunch! ... also if your lucky you'll see JMP's Yellow S15 there as well as he usually goes Thursday nights around same time. Thinks back to last itme i earnt $8 an hour .... how did i survive?!
  4. lol at cleaning ze pool .... adrian hasnt cleaned my pool in ages he's forgotten about my pool *sob* might grab some nandos on the way to pauls after gym tonight ..... ive had a craving for it lately.
  5. $50 ... more than you would earn in a day at Maccas
  6. mmmm sweet ...... i should ask him for a shopping list of whats in it ..... im needing inspiration Day does end Lee ..... but not til midnight
  7. wheres rep? i wanna know how much HP his car is making. busy Glue .... i got the stuff done that needed to be done before 4 now .... now im catching up with the rest of the shit i didnt have time to do today. excited about job interview tommorrow although i havent been to one in so long hope i dont crash n burn :flame:
  8. awww im not crazy
  9. or open a can of whoopass @ waterboy.
  10. face you get when your about to kick arse
  11. yeah im actually pretty busy but im in denial about it..... even when i get home tonight its go,go,go for me
  12. i dont smile .... im a killer .... nah i got a little red riding hood photo of me smiling and i think it looks ghey .... besides that expression is very much like my "race face" Hey Glue
  13. You live 5mins from Galleria Mikey? you probably see my car around Morley a bit .... my gym is across the road from the Galleria. *mutters obscenties about speed bumps* I got a job interview 7:45 tommorrow morning
  14. Guy at work has been taking a lot!! i dont know why ... but he's given them to me on a disk Yeah a face only a mother could love. Anyway im outta here for lunch cya! probably wont be back til late this arvo cos ive got so much work to do!
  15. Mikey ive heard Hybrid works quite well ..... best to actually talk to people that have one in their car tho - if you serch the forums i think theres been a couple of threads started about them before
  16. the face of a killer LOL this was taken this morning .... ive got a full disc of photos of myself from past two days .....weird!
  17. i dont know Mikey .... too many hillbillies in Kalamunda ..... if you drive an import in Kalamunda you are a snobby bitch Hey job interview Al! good news! Ive possibly got a job interview tommorrow .... lady hasnt got back to me about arranging a time tho .... rang yesterday but i accidently left my mobile phone home.
  18. yeah ive noticed noone helps anyone these days .... like the time with the hit n run or the time i ran outta petrol.
  19. yeah noone helps anyone these days ..... like the time the guy hit n run my car .... or the day i ran outta petrol in a turning lane and people where beeping me etc even tho i had hazards on and it was obvious there wasnt much i could do abou tthe situation
  20. Horse tranquilser tablets not good .... make me throw up from 6am - 1pm consistantly. Anyway hope they get them ..... phuckers will proably just get a slap on the wrist anyway!
  21. Bad news Al .... my dad was almost involved in a similar thing last night at Bassendean Train Station .... except it wouldve been him hitting the guy ...... this guy that stunk of beer said my dad reversed into him .... but there were no marks on either cars and dad didnt feel it and reckons that he definately didnt back into him ....so this guy gets up in dads face n dad pushes him away ..... dad wanted to deck him. Yes Glue .... i do want aidwins zorst Speaking of Bikinis saw some nice ones in myer yesterday i may go back n get yet. ok onwards with work again.
  22. so whats happening with your zorst Aidwin - why you upgrading?
  23. does anyone know approximately how much these systems cost ...... i need an upgrade myself but first i need to know how much i need to save ..... 3'0 - 3'5 for me
  24. Go the low pimpin look!!
  25. i didnt mean it harsh i meant it in the fact that Liz shouldnt feel so bad as accidents happen to everyone and hers was smaller and she still had a car at the end of the day. Just putting into perspective.
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