i doubt opticals is jap spec. He n i just having friendly run cos we take the piss out of the whales vs the ferries ....so we are rowing our boats down the 1/4.
Yeah ive never actually dragged legally ... so should be interesting.
Hey Al .... you should take Mike on ...... *niz sits around to watch mikey get :chop:*
TJ ... nice try your supposed to get me drunk first ..... buy me drinks then drive me home
Mike .... well the odds arent in your favour sonny .... and your taking on an unknown ..... you dont know me as these guys do .... just ask Joe about my driving skills ... oh aidwin too ... aidwin is co-pilot on a few occasions. According to my driving instructor ive been the only girl he's taught that drives liek a guy.
lol @ Joes shrinkage
We should have a SAU grudge night ..... Optical from Antilag wants to take me on too .... that shouldnt be too much of a problem .... ive driven 200sx's ... they arent the quickest.
we have
1 cokatoo ... that doesnt shut up
2 pink n greys who are also pretty vocal
2 budgies
1 lovebird .... he keeps killing his mates
1 weiro - used to have two but his mate died
Sub, probably unhappy about stupid people asking them questions for heir stupid statistics ..... probably just means we have less tolerance to losers asking dumb questions than the other states.
Hey kyles - long time no talk