drugs suck
i dont understand why ppl take em, i lost so many frens who think it is cool
-good thing i didnt get influenced cos i rather spend money on my car and it gets me so high
how much is a momo one? just try to hold em and see which one feels betta
one of the best feeling of driving a skyline is when u change gears MMmm gears *drool*
momo is just funny to hold, its so round and big
trust is diamond shaped ,it blends in ur hand so much
before the trust knob i got 13.8, after i got 13.6 hehe
audio art is one of the best (did u hear some of their cars?) i put my head in the window and the sound shook my head.
i got a trust gear knob,i think its the most comfortable for racing
where im going soon is worksauto,performance turbo's and wilkinson suspension, maybe technik for some rear speakers( i want clear sound like paul's one)