hay mate, i didnt read through ur whole thread to see if anyone else said this but it an oil cooler, not something u really want to skimp on money with (so ebay non brand names r out of the question) but some brand named ones r very over priced! and there noramally a kit so u have to put it where they tell u too which i think is shit. something like a PWR cooler is a great idea cause u can get it positioned where ever suits ur car and air flow best and u wnat to keep the oil lines as short as possible so the pump doesnt have to work as hard to move the oil a long distance.
my house mate is selling a hks cooler that was barly on his car incase u want a good second hand on and ur mechanic can make a bracket and put it where ever u like. pm me if ur interested.
i run a pwr cooler and it sits on the passenger side of the front grill, gets loads of air flow and has really short lines.
hope this helps! and hope u enjoy ur rig at the track, its the most fun in the world