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Everything posted by psybic

  1. Wow. I want your budget.
  2. You don't really think that will help someone steal cars do you? How about this one: MANY people DON'T insure their skylines. Did you know that?? Thats right, alot of people don't insure their vehicles because the people that pay you, the insurance companies, are an absolute raught! BIG BUCKS, not a few, MASSIVE BUCKS. I have no doubt every case you stated causes a - CLAIM VOID NO MONEY OR CAR Cause thats how they roll! I know a bloke who had a motor cycle stolen, they went through his PHONE RECORDS, two seperate sit down interviews, so on... and I don't know if they have paid yet. Insurance doesn't really phase me. I had a motor bike stolen recently, I know what I did wrong, it won't happen again. I got it back anyway, due to a kill switch... which don't work so you say... Point is, it should have been chained up and a screech alarm to let me know someone was touching it would have helped, so thats what it has now. Its great you have such good intentions, but get some touch. Any theif that is good enough to by pass security would not be checking out this thread hoping I would post up some info, they would already know exactly what they were doing. You know that.
  3. bump.... its still just hanging out...
  4. So you guys don't believe in reference material? So each car you get in, you ALREADY know where the wires are you want... wait, you just said you make your own diagrams daily... but then you say anyone who uses one doesn't know what they are doing... do you make them and not use them? Clearly you both know alot about alarms and installs, but I'm not bringing my car to you when I can do it myself. oh and you are from like ages away. The reason I still bother with the point is I think you aren't achieving all that much treating wiring diagrams as skeleton keys. Fair point not wanting to get blammed for shit, I hope no one on these forums would do that tho.
  5. True that! Standard displacement and big boost! I went for a short ride in that car and that shit was RESPONSIVE too! Do things properly and you'll get there.
  6. I don't know how good the results would be for over all engine performance and response. Sure the peak power is good, but peak power is for only a split second of driving time, what about mid range and response? may well be an improvement on stock, especially if you have changed a few things. When looking at the price though, I wonder... $350 for the unit, then say $150 for the tune... $500.... best case $950 for the powerFC, $250 for a tune, $1200... best case. I dunno, but too me, $500 is enough to not want to waste, but not enough short of $1200 to warrant the limited functionality and effect on your cars performance.
  7. Take out all the plugs and open the throttle. Crank if over a few times, use a screw in one if you can, I used one that you just hold down the other day, results are dodgy to say the least on those.
  8. This is happening on my car. Its happened to me on previous cars. 3SGTE - ( It was REALLY bad, even started hunting after I fiddled ), was fixed with after market ECU. 2JZGE - Never worried, but never fixed it. SR20DET - Wasn't too bad, but again, the after market ECU made it idle spot on. RB25DET - Sounds similar to what you say. So its hard to say what worked for me, as each time the after market ECU install and tune dealt with all of the above ideas.. I guess it could be any of them, TPS, CAS, Vacuum leak ( or dirty AFM ), so check them all... My RB25 is also popping and missing at high RPM in first gear at the moment (not heaps high, anything over 5) but isn't so bad in 2nd... I wonder if its related to the high idle issue.
  9. Its a good gesture to think of security like that... however, as someone who has obviously done alot of wiring, would you not agree that: a) no matter how much studying of a wiring diagram you do, nothing compares to actually getting in the car and doing it b) having said that, if i want to be an uber car theif who can disarm an alarm in seconds, i would be far better off working as an alarm installer than studying wiring diagrams I think you know because of your experience, people asking for wiring diagrams are going to take a few hours to sort their shit out once they start cuting and joining wires. the people you have to worry about aren't those requesting diagrams. its like saying i won't give u a martial arts book incase u turn into a ninja....
  10. Bump. As I have to keep saying to people, the reasons for sale are genuine. I do have a skyline now, I can show you that too if you come look at S12. I am not into street racing so yes, the S12 is much faster, but I would prefer to own the skyline at this stage... I thought alot of people would understand that... its ok though, if you don't believe me, come for a ride in both.
  11. There is an old saying about re-inventing the wheel. Why should we spend ages working stuff out when people already know the answer. A wiring diagram makes it quicker to find what you are after. I don't think one should simply cut the wires then twist and tape, but a diagram to give us an idea where stuff is at, so we can then confirm with a test lamp is a good idea. I'm about to try install an alarm myself, so I'm currently browsing for diagrams or some info to help me get started, all I can find is you telling people to pay lots of money for an install. I'd prefer to do it myself, so when something goes wrong, I can fix it myself. Don't try and say a professional's work never goes wrong... many years of modifying cars has told me that isn't true. So can anyone give me a heads up on any sort of diagram for a R33 S2 GTSt?
  12. Not really after a swap because I really do actually have a Series 2 skyline now. Also, I'd only swap a car which is easy to sell cause thats all I'd be doing and an exa isn't easy to sell for $7,000.... if it is, sell it and I'll sell you mine for $7k.
  13. Nar MAP based ECU isn't always more expensive. Some people are happy enough with a MAP based tune also, even if technically its not as responsive. $1000 for Microtech (with x4 ign module) on my SR20 - $300 for tune. Self installed. total cost $1300. $1200 for PowerFC + the tuner said he would charge a tad more for PowerFC tune. Total would have been $1600. I'll probably go PowerFC on my skyline though, two more injectors and two more coils to wire might scare me off the microtech install again. Takes take a few hours to wire an ecu in.
  14. Not gonna drop much more at this stage. but would like to hear some offers.
  15. Where is your server? By hobby, do you mean from your home?
  16. I think its relevant to mention, I now own a series 2 GTSt skyline as of today. Jumping from one to the other, as i can do now, i can say the gazelle is alot faster, more power, heavier clutch, much stiffer suspension, certainly more of a drivers car.
  17. One of the last price drops I feel. A few people have expressed interest now but have reasons why they can't. $7,500 now. I really should make that WITH OUT the microtech, with a stock diff, with a T25G and with smaller rims. At this stage that all still comes with, but I'll start selling things off soon.
  18. Off to see the skyline today, well, after a sleep. No offers?? Would be nice to sell this one soon rather than have it sit in the shed un-used.
  19. I have decided I will buy that skyline on friday. If I can sell this before than, I'll let it go cheap. If not, I'll stash it in mums spare shed and wait until someone comes up with a better offer. taking any offers around 8k today and tomorrow.
  20. Where abouts are you mate? There is another one I wanna check out so I might be keen to check it out some time this week.
  21. I agree with that man totally! Have been saying it ever since I bought my GTR a while ago. Probably the cheapest landed GTR in history. I landed mine for 15,000. I wish someone told me about the ceramic turbos which destroy engines... I found out the hard way only a few months after it landed. Stock engines are great, just be aware of old turbos I say. You get one with healthy engine, stock or not, if its got new turbos. you'll be sweet. Interesting thread, I'm actually probably about to now purchase a Series2 GTSt. Is it true these have steal wheels?? The series 2 R33s seem to be were its at value for money now. Hence me about to sell the S12 and jump in one.
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