Just finished rebuilding my RB20 with GTR cams & injectors, 044, Z32 AFM, chipped ECU.
Put the engine in on Monday, (AFM connected to TB) went to start it, would fire a couple of times then die. I thought it was something wrong when i modified the wiring for the GTR injectors, stuffed aroung with them for 2 days. I found my std chip for my ECU, put it in, fired up staight away but wouldn't hardly run under 2000rpm (same prob as BBenny had), and wouldn't hold a steady throttle position.
It was blowing a lot of black smoke (richness). pulled off the hose for my BOV (to lean it out a bit), less smoke, revved smoothly & OMG it even idled.
I still blows a bit of smoke so still a bit too rich, but good enough to get the car to your nearest tuning station.
Just thought i would share that experience that a Z32 AFM & GTR cams & injectors will work until u get it tuned properly.
Haven't checked timing or anything else as i have to pack to go to Brisvegas this weekend for a wedding.