Hi Guys,
Have a pair of GT Radial's Champiro HPZ-35 sitting around going no where since I sold the GTR, so up they go for sale. Were on a 300+kw GTR and provided grip when needed which was everytime you accellerated As seen in the pictures tyres are like new, well above the wear indicators I only put about 10,000km on them, howver they have a bit of camber wear on the edges, so ideal for the rear of a GTR or wide rimmed Gts-t. They were on a 10" rim so check your rims will be able to take a 265 tyre.
Pick up only on the Sunshine Coast - hour north of Brisbane
Priced for a quick no nonense sale $75 the pair (hate to know what they cost now to replace)
0411115551 (please call if interested as I am rarely on this site since selling my toy)