thanks guyz
yes james...the pullie thingy for to open the bonnet...thats gone...its only attached by a wire...he wanna replace it back so looks better:)
hihi dear every1:D
how are u guyz...i am pretty fine
just sold badak to my friend but he wanna know where is the nissan wreckers unfortunately i never been to 1 so i wouldnt have a clue
pls help me find some and preferrebally near where we live (southbank)
thanks heaps
hi...wanna buy a pair of genuine / replica recaro seats ( preferred red) but black is fine.....
even just 1 side is fine....i fix the other side with bride...(any1 selling?)
please PM me if got...
thanks heaps
keep in touch'
thanks jamez u are a legend!!!!
i see u guys at the show
by the way.....anyone wanna take my little BADAK home?:Dits for sale:D
i dont have room in my apartment for 2 cars
yes , i cant wait to see my old friends from SAU at MAS
and i am a supportive member like always hehehe
so are we ordering in new t-shirts last last year?