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About Milk

  • Birthday 15/10/1981

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Milk

    Spotted Thread

    always spotted a silver r33 at Campbells...maybe he/she works there?
  2. omg james....u are really doing a gd job over these years eh lol by the way long time no see...greetings again from me lol
  3. haha what time was it i temp live in noble park and it was quiet as around that area last nite when i come back from airport...
  4. kicker monoblack 600d and kicker 4 channel 400.4 both of the amp selling for ---- $600 brand new when i bought was ---$1500 THANKS FOR NO TIME WASTERS
  5. happy birthday ni!
  6. thanks guyz yes james...the pullie thingy for to open the bonnet...thats gone...its only attached by a wire...he wanna replace it back so looks better:)
  7. i want 2 if u got.. i pay u $60 for 1 so $120 in total for 2 if u have it wanna give to some1 as b/d present.. thanks heaps
  8. hihi dear every1:D how are u guyz...i am pretty fine just sold badak to my friend but he wanna know where is the nissan wreckers unfortunately i never been to 1 so i wouldnt have a clue pls help me find some and preferrebally near where we live (southbank) thanks heaps milk
  9. Milk

    Recaro Seats

    still no1 can help... my car is missing a pair of seats now:(
  10. Milk

    Recaro Seats

    thnx ash:)
  11. hi...wanna buy a pair of genuine / replica recaro seats ( preferred red) but black is fine..... even just 1 side is fine....i fix the other side with bride...(any1 selling?) please PM me if got... thanks heaps keep in touch' milk
  12. thanks jamez u are a legend!!!! i see u guys at the show by the way.....anyone wanna take my little BADAK home?:Dits for sale:D i dont have room in my apartment for 2 cars
  13. yes , i cant wait to see my old friends from SAU at MAS and i am a supportive member like always hehehe so are we ordering in new t-shirts last last year?
  14. Yo guys, u need a new bov?? I got a GReddy type R bov for sale, its new, comes with the box. Price $500,- THX :ufo:
  15. Milk

    Body Kits!!!

    er...its good job for moi tho dunno whats wrong eric...something wrong? nick,,,,going tonite?
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