i agree with RB PWR althrough i also see where other people are coming from saying to restrict the power to weight ratio for younger drivers.
BUT, like others have already said you can do stupid shit (regaurdless of it being a mistake or not) in ANY type of car. the government needs to make getting your licence harder. also, make them see crash scene pictures. make them read articles from the paper about accidents.
they need to make L and P platers find out and know that having your licence is a privledge not a right.
most of all, make driving courses in all conditions (wet, dry, dirt etc) a part of the licence program. a part of the final test would be even better!
it's just a thought that i've said everytime one of these threads pop up but get over looked
i'm not going to have a go about this post dangerman4 but thats such an 'older persons' response to make.
like i said above, you can do stupid shit in any kind of car if you really wanted too.
also, i see PLENTY of older (30 y/o+) people doing stupid shit mainly because of the way they were taught and picked up stupid bad habits. also ive seen these 30+ y/o people drink driving in there rusted out buckets of shit that they were taught in 15 years ago.
there have been these older people trying to race me in there clubby etc.
so really, younger people and the baby boomers have are hand in hand. you cant say one does something wrong while the other doesnt.
i noted you said that 'people these days that are 30+ have far greater respect for motor vehicles then a young punk thrashing a car his dad bought for him.'
the highlighted bit is that part that i think would also be a huge factor in the hooning. if you get a young person to buy their own car they would respect it alot more! i know i do.
damn, i wrote a noval