id still rather a name brand kit, if it makes people happy then your chances are LESS to have head bollockss with a name brand kit.
the majority of these cheap kits are that they are copies of the name brand ones and some are not made exactly the same (speaking from experience) so maybe thats why im pretty bias.
missing parts doesnt mean it wont fit.
the parts would be easy to get if it fits correctly. cant force something to fit when it looks like it belongs to another car.
haha yes dad
nah it's all good. i dont think i'll be finished with my courses till next year, if that!
i'm doing more then just the one thing to try and garentee me a job in the industry somewhere and i'm stuying public aswell as privet sector with 15 or so electives
cant wait to get started, thanks for the kind wishes Pete!
Hassles?? With the most basic of mechanical knowledge you could fit an ISC kit.
I'd still go the GReddy kit. Name brands are garenteed no head f**ks
You sell them for around $650bux delivered, not a bad price.
thats why im not letting lauren look at this thread....
but, i think me and her spend more on each other then we do on our cars.
oh and she beats me and not in the good way hahahaha
hey bud, yeah your right
had an interview at tafe. looks like i start my course at the end of the month. also didnt relise i couldnt turn right anywhere and niether did my GPS telling me to turn down one way roads, WTF hahaha
*looks at SLED*
right here! i'm proof enough
when i lived in america, we lived on this corner that had crashes on it at least 4-5 times a month. you'd never forget that sound of metel hitting metel at a high speed :s
ahh damnit!
not only did you buy the car i wanted but you live down my way too haha
yeah like lauren said martin, i used to live on benny av. in port norlunga
*kicks benny_blanco in the balls*
from someone who went from manual to auto, its alot easier to drink and eat while driving haha
oh, and to you SKR033---------
yeah i got my last one from joe at wheelworx then the one after that from sinergy but they where both just printed out bits of sticky papper and just dont last. was only like $5 but its finding the time to go there and get it haha
my tyer placard is looking abit worse for wear and ive been defected for it before so just woundering if there is a site i can download them from instd of going to shops and having to keep buying them.
have done much of anything to my car since the last one plus i was really really bord after while being there haha
but its a good place to show a car to people thats for sale
goodluck with this years display!
was a nice little drive even with the heat! cant wait for the next one....
was nice to meet a few new people, rob, pete, allan and the others and deffently good to see the ones i already know
see you all soon