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Everything posted by Links

  1. Just saw PUR-*8N on my way home through st-leonards.. Black R33 for sale.. was pulled over next to the station.. i just cruised on past..
  2. i like the ^^ picture.. I think you'd crap yourself if that thing came barreling along behind you..
  3. Hahahaha.. ahhh I love it.. so many annoying things about owning this car.. it's great! it's all worth it though.. until I pull up at a petrol station.. ouch..
  4. Yeah I know the area.. It's rediculous that you can't park your car out somewhere without fear of someone ripping shit off it or jacking the wheels or anything.. I wonder why I park it where I can usually see it or know that it won't get touched - e.g. locked in my damn garage.. another thing - people in my apartment block give me THE dirtiest looks when I take my time going out of the driveway and they're waiting to get in. it's like I don't have a right to take my time otherwise I will completely **** my front bar.. and it's completely stock with stock suspension.. oh that and f**kers park with the rear 1/3rd over the end of my driveway.. the end I need to aim towards to get out without scraping.. WANKERS!!.. ahh love a good rant and rave..
  5. Thanks abo bob - the fax number - 0297124873 had no response.. i'll try it again later or i'll try the other one you suggested. thanks..
  6. Any chance you can fix the links for the pics
  7. after the front right headlight.. let me know..
  8. Morning people.. decided yesterday to join up with the NSW members cos i'm missing out on stuff.. I CAN TELL!!!... anyways - fax doesn't appear to be working - tried sending 2x and each time said no response.. i'm guessing I should PM someone.. rather than posting here - but the way it's all going with the PM space i'll try it here.. also - someone wanna give me a rundown on what goodies you get in the members forum.. entice me to come..
  9. Had an idiot the other night next to me coming up to the round about in north sydney when you leave the freeway decide to do some emergency swerving while I came up on his left hand side.. he didn't realise that the car coming towards him from the right actually was in a different lane/concrete section separating and decided to pull his steering wheel as far left as he could.. causing me to pull left into the next lane and slam the brakes.. getting this car either makes me a) get past everyone that way if your at the front from the lights you don't have to worry about morons.. or B) not drive when there's plenty of traffic.. even then.. MORONS!!.. so annoying.. to many close calls.. people in sydney are very impatient.. and boy racers in shit boxes drive me up the wall..
  10. I doubt it'd make a huge difference - unless you've been driving through a dust storm - or on country roads.. As for the boost gauge - yeah should sit at about unde 1/2 when <4,500 - than @ 4,500 it'll go to about 2/3's.. did you know the car goes from 5psi to 8psi from 4,500 rpm onwards?
  11. also haven't seen any of the "city pursuit" WRX's around at all for a while.. only saw a couple of them..
  12. don't forget the magna's they use as undercover cars.. oh yeah that smart car - saw that in the city the other day..
  13. Most of them have suspension - mate's got an ex highway used one - has better suspension + used to have a chip - that's out though.. you'll find they are all ecu chipped, better suspension and slightly lower - however that's pretty much about it.. they don't need to be outrageous - the highway ones (SS) commodores are a) damn fast + B) pretty quick so it doesn't matter.. they just boot it and wait until you make a mistake.. considering my skyline is speed limited to 180km/h I wouldn't even consider outrunning them on a highway.. through back streets maybe.. but that's about it.. they've also got pretty good tyres i'd say.. as for how many there are.. alot i'd say.. quite alot..
  14. A true sequential turbo system was the B4 liberty - they had 2 different sized turbo's and there was alot of complaints because there was a point in the rev range where the first one would cut-out and the second one had to spool out - meaning you'd get a second of slight power loss.. GT-R's are twin turbo - both spool @ the same time with the same boost levels..
  15. Christian - go into admin -> general settings -> user profiles - change the post limit to change membertitle.. presonally not able to change it
  16. Pretty sure you have to tick save in sent messages.. i'd recommend defaulting everyone to the default skin until you've finished the new one.. it's much easier to read.. also - pop-up mod is out there - they just have to install/edit the code to get it to run..
  17. That and also - middle aged slightly balding men hate to be shown up by 20-something year old guys in a car that's 10 years old.. it's an interesting one though.. be interested to know how many are modified..
  18. Yeah got the nemesis installed Sidd - only thing is this didn't come with a number of things - e.g. didn't have tilt sensor, auto window windup and remote boot release, everything else though.. Contact alan, he'll let you know what it's got..
  19. i'd say 80 - 90% of them are stock that you see on the roads.. most people wouldn't void a warranty on a new car that's already pretty quick as it is..
  20. this was done about 2 or 3 weeks ago and was a number of pages.. would recommend search..
  21. Had a couple of run in's with XR6T's.. problem is they have all the power from the second they put the pedal down.. while I have to wait till 2nd gear to really start the power coming on.. my cars stock except cat back exhaust.. by which stage i'm doing 80/100 in a 60 zone.. not good.. maybe with the 8psi full time mod it'd be different.. will endevaur to g-up someone next time I see one..
  22. Is it going to be the same again for spectators/pit-crew - would love to come and watch.. 2 ppl allowed per entrant - is that correct??..
  23. goto - my controls -> board settings (down the bottom under options) -> select +10 Sydney - than ok.. done - time is now right..
  24. Quick reply can be done - they just have to turn the option on for each of the forums..
  25. Just thought i'd put up some ideas for the skin and also editing IPB code and images.. - top bar - you've goto get rid of the gradient.. either delete it or edit the css so that it doesn't use it - looks terrible. - Images - i'd recommend doing these last - this is because you'll need to match them individually to the theme with photoshop to get rid of all the extra bits of gray and stuff like that hanging around.. - Size of the font in the text window needs to be a bit bigger.. maybe size 10 or 12 (not sure what it currently is.. - Add a forums link up the very top near the Skylines Australia area - easy enough just goto edit the php file and add in the <div>blah</div> stuff.. That's about it.. if you need any help in deciphering IPB skins - feel free to contact me.. i'd be happy to help out with it.. Cheers, Links
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